Chapter 48: Take a Shower

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The guys all went wide eyed and then scrunched their noses when the three Runners stopped in front of the Keepers. Their eyes were wide, all staring at Evelyn. 

"Problem?" She asked, raising an eyebrow? 

"Uhh...what the bloody hell went on out there?" Newt asked, his eyes wide taking in her appearance. 

"Dissected a Griever." 

"You're covered in-" Gally started.

"Griever guts and slim, yes. I am aware." She answered, and wiped some of it out of her hair, "We brought some stuff!" 

She shrugged her backpack off and pulled out the wrapped up Griever stinger. And Minho pulled the cylinder out of his bag. Handing them over to Nick and Newt, who both looked shocked. 

"So these letters on both the stinger and whatever that thing is-"

"-It's heart or brain!" Thomas interrupted.

"Yeah and-"

"she pulled it from this ugly slimy organ that looked like a brain!" 

"Yeah, but-"

"And then she figured it all out! The letters and the Creators and everything!" 

"Thomas?!" Evelyn finally yelled. 

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Shut up!" 

"Sorry..." He said sheepishly, shoving his hands in his pockets, and looking at the ground. 

"It's fine, please keep praising my brilliance...but stop cutting me off, sheesh ya Shank!" 

He gave her a sheepish grin. Minho snickered. 

"But yeah, what the shank said. The letters on both those match, and are the same as on the Grief Serum and supply crates. It's the mother shucken Creators! Their messing with us for whatever shucked up purpose and then watching us with those Beetle Blades." 

Everyone stared at her, mouths open in shock.

Newt was rubbing his bottom lip with his thumb. His tell he was thinking, working something out. 

"Newt? What's going on up there?" Evelyn asked.

"Those letters...w i c k e d..." 

"What about them?" Evelyn asked, there a small spark of something in his eye, they didn't look so empty and dead.

"World in Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department"

"Experiment Department." Minho said at the same time, "Wholly Shuck!" 

"What?" Gally asked.

"There are these buggen' metal signs everywhere in the bloody maze, never paid much attention to 'em. connects...must be the Creators." 

"Wicked...seems like a fitting name." Evelyn mutter. 

"Absolutely! You're buggen' right,  Love it is fitting." Newt nodded in agreement. 

A knife went straight to her heart. She froze in her spot, her face loosing colour, she was very aware of how fast her heart had speed up. The guys all froze and looked back and forth between Evelyn and Newt. It took a moment for Newt to realize what happened, and his face also lost colour. 

"Sorry. Ol' habits..." He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck and looked away dejected.

"Well..." Thomas said slowly, trying to cut the tension. "This is new information, right? Right Minho?"

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