Chapter 59: The Hall

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The Gladers screamed in savage defiance. Wild courage filled the Gladers; swirling around, giving everyone the strength to face the grim reality of what they were about to do. Newt and Evelyn roared with everyone.

He looked over at Evelyn; she looked over at Newt. The wild screams died away, and it was just them, the background blurred, leaving each other the focus. They turned towards each other, eyes glued to the other.



Evelyn leapt into his arms. Both dropping their spears at the same time. She wrapped her legs around his waist, his strong arms held her up. She buried her hands in his hair.

She kissed him; quite possibly for the last time. It wasn't long, but they threw all their unsaid words into the kiss. Breaking away, she placed her forehead on his, refusing to open her eyes, not wanting to face reality.

"Open your eyes!" He whispered, "please."

She did, looking into his beautiful soft melted chocolate brown eyes.

"Your eyes are beautiful, and I want to always remember what they look like." His hand cupped her face. "Be safe today. I know you will want to save everyone...but yourself too! You're important too."

She nodded, kissing him one last time. He let her down gently. Thomas had turned to them and Minho and Teresa with a stoic nod
The group turned towards the maze entrance.

"We run!" Newt yelled.

And Newt led the Gladers into the maze. For the last time.

They ran for a while in silence, Evelyn kept pace with Newt, her mind wandered; wondering what it would have been like running with Newt in the maze. Even with his limp, he was fast. In his prime he would have given Minho a run for his money. After a few more turns, Newt started glancing at her. She caught him and raised an eyebrow.

"You're pretty buggen' fast!"

"And your surprised?"

"Ya, a little." He admitted, "also... what's with the hand prints? What the bloody hell hat?"

Evelyn almost stumped because she was looking at him with her eyebrows pulled together and a frown on her face.

" you not remember my whole explanation of my night in the maze? After I woke up?"

He shook his head, " I don't. I remember you stumblitin' in and collapsing."

Newt's face was scrunched up in confusion and concentration. Then anger showed on his face.

"I'm sorry Evelyn. I shoulda been there for you! That must've been so buggen' traumatic and I wasn't there!"

"Not your fault."

She could see him grinding his teeth. His eyes straight ahead, taking a turn without any hesitation.

"Well...I cut my own hand, and made hand prints at every turn to help me find way back."

It was Newt's turn to almost stumble.

"Those bloody prints are yours?" He gasped.

She nodded. She heard him curse, she knew he was close to a rage when Newt used some of Minho's curse words. They ran a bit longer in silence. Fear started to form in her chest, making her heart hurt and breathing come in short sharp gasps. She eventually noticed Newt slowing down.

"I'm going to switch with Tommy." Newt said between breaths. Evelyn nodded, and a few minutes later Thomas was beside her. Minho and Teresa right behind them. Evelyn glanced behind her, the Gladers started off in a tight pack, but had slowly spread out, the longer they ran.

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