Chapter 28: Tease

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Evelyn waited patiently for Newt to come back from the gathering the next evening. She kept herself busy by sketching a sleeping Hephaestus in her lap.

Newt came limping into Evelyn's room a few minutes later with a huge grin on his face. He sat down in the chair and with a groan lifted his leg and propped it up onto the bed.

"So. I take it the meeting went well?" She raised an eyebrow. Putting her pencil down and closing her notebook, Hephaestus growled at the movement, but continued to sleep.

"Sure did!"

His smile was so big it made Evelyn smile. He pulled his boot off and then undid the splint, flexing and rolling his ankle. He started to explain the meeting while Evelyn slid her hand up his pant leg and massaged the sore calf muscle. He stopped mid sentence and hummed in satisfaction.

"Thanks Love. That feels good."

She smiled and waved him on. He continued to explain the meeting and some of the new ways things will run. Alby was always more structured and strict.

"He talked a lot about buggen' order. Three rules; never go outside the Maze if ya ain't a runner, obviously. Everyone has a bloody job and does their part; ain't got time for freeloaders- haven' really had an issue so far with the shanks. And three...we got trust each other. For the most part I think we do bloody trust each other."

Evelyn nodded along, smiling at him. He had a sparkle in his eye and he was talking with wild hand gestures. He was cute when he was happy and excited.

"...but we've had too many shanks bein' stabbed, no more weapons. Keepers get, and all slicer and cook knives will be locked up at the end of the buggen' day."

"Sounds like it was productive!"

Newt nodded.

"So what's Nick stepping down into?" Evelyn asked.

"We will both just help out where needed. Mostly in the Fields or with Builders."

"That's great Love! I'm proud of you! And I think you'll do an amazing job. The guys really look up to you."

"'Cause I'm bloody taller than 'em?"

"The only reason." She chuckled.

He pulled her leg off the bed, stood up and leaned over, his hands on either side of her hips. She tilted her head up to look at him. He gave her a cheeky smile.

"Even you, Shorty."

She hummed while he kissed her. She placed both hands on his jaw, moving him away just slightly.

"As I told Nicky yesterday...they may all look up to you, you guys maybe the heads and leaders...but I'm the neck that controls where the head goes."

Newt stood up laughing. She watched him in amusement.

"Did you take your meds?"

"Yes mama Noot."

He raised an eyebrow at her, she smiled innocently.

"And you ate?"

She gave him another cheeky smile, "Yes Mama Noot, even shared with Hephy, that's why he's sleeping now, the little piggy."

"And you have your tea?"

"It's steeping. Clint made it right before he left for the Gathering."

"Good. I'll change and we'll have it together."

"Good that!"


Newt helped her slide back down to lay flat, sometimes sitting for a while made her side ache. After her tea was done, she lay with her head in his lap, and he ran his fingers through her hair. Hephaestus got mad with the moving around and with a little growl in his throat he scurried out the window. Evelyn closed her eyes and listened to him talk about his day, and the rest of the gathering.

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