Chapter 26: Glade Princess

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Sonny and the Baggers filed in, they helped transport Nick to room one, where Gally went through the changing. They slouched out of the room taking the board with Steve on it and left the MedHut. With the help of Clint, Jeff cleaned the blood soaked bed and put new sheets on it.

Newt took the cloth from the bowl and gently whipped the sweat and blood from her face. She started to shiver, but she kept sweating.

"Jeff! Something else is wrong!" Newt called. Jeff came flying over, placing a hand on her forehead, he frowned.

"She's running a fever. Shuck this kid can't catch a break." He straightened up and frowned looking around.

"Did she do this before?" Newt asked, his voice was thick with worry.

"No... Okay, normally I'd just strip the shank,  to bring the fever down but can't do that."

"No." Newt said flatly.

"Ummm...I'll put her in the back room. We gotta get those blood soaked clothes off anyways, we can keep the door closed or whatever."

"Good that."

Jeff slid his hands under Evelyn and picked her up. Her head flopped lamly and her arm hung down weird. Clint helped Newt over to the other room.

"Where'd those crutches go?" He muttered to herself.

Newt sat down on the side of the bed and helped Jeff remove her shoes. Jeff didn't bat an eye when he went to remove her blood soaked and ripped pants. Newt cringed and ground his teeth, he knew Jeff was a MedJack, and bodies didn't bother him but it still irritated Newt that another guy would see her.

"Relax man. She's not my type." Jeff muttered, glancing out the door where Clint was busy cleaning up the table covered in Nick's blood.

Newt's tense shoulders relaxed. His face turning bright red. He didn't exactly imagine the first time he removed his girlfriends pants would be while she's unconscious and covered in blood.

He quickly pulled an extra sheet over her. He had to use scissors to cut the shirt away, it was glued to her from drying blood and sweat; leaving her in a sports bra and underwear.

"Blood shucken hell!" Newt gasp as he gently pulled the last piece of shirt away.

"What's up?" Jeff asked, coming back with a bowl of warm water. Newt just pointed.

All along her side was a huge bruise forming. It was red and swollen, black and purple and blue.

"The kid did kick her, when they were fighting for the knife."

"The actual hell?"

Clint came to the door and saw the bruising, and winced. He nodded, and explained her scream, tackling the kid as he tried to stab Nick, throwing herself in-between Nick and the Steve, and then her wild fight to save them both.

Newt stared at the girl on the bed wide eyed and mouth hanging open. How could this tiny little thing, be so...strong and capable? She continued to amaze him, and all the wild crazy and amazing things she did, a lot of the Gladers here own her their lives. Him included. He sat at her side feeling very inadequate.

He slowly, like in a dream, picked up the cloth from the bowl and started to gently clean the blood sweat and grime away. Jeff patted Newt's back, and left. Newt propped his aching leg up onto the chair and continued to clean her up. Jeff had to change the water a few times for him. It looked like she had jumped in puddles of blood. He did one limb at a time. Her skin was feverish and hot to the touch, but she shivered and broke out in goosebumps. He tried very hard to not look too long at her body. But she was just so perfect. Her skin was pale and flawless, full of muscle but curves in the right places.

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