Chapter 10: Grief

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George leapt to his feet, his wild eyes flew open, they were solid black and rimmed in red, the wild feral animalistic scream echoed off the Glad walls.

"Griever! It was the damn Griever! They'll kill us all!" The words flew from his mouth like the spit and black goo.

"George?" Evelyn asked caustusly.

His head snapped in her direction so fast it looked like he broke his neck. He let out another wild scream.

"You're not one of us!"

He lunged at her. He tackled her to the ground. He went wild. Scratching and clawing, trying to bite. Evelyn cried out throwing her hands up to protect her face.

"Stop! George! Stop! Please!"

Alby and Newt tried pulling him off, but he swatted them away, nashing his teeth at Newt's hand. George turned back to the girl he had pinned on the ground, and he was drawing blood, she tried fighting back, twisting away from him. His hand wrapped around her neck, squeezing, cutting off her air supply.

He was tackled. She gasped for breath. Her vision in and out of focus. Jack had somehow managed to get George off, now they were wrestling. George pinned Jack onto the grass and started throwithus fists into the boy. He went for the eyes, drawing blood from Jack's face. George was screaming the whole time. Jack was trying his best to talk to him, tears sliding down his face, he was pleading with the boy he loved.

But it was like George had turned into some kind of monster in a matter of minutes. He seemed to have gained the strength of 10 grown men. He held Jack down and swung a fist into Jack's face, even from her half dazed state Evelyn heard something crunch.

Other guys were now trying to pull him off. Jack was covered in blood. His fight was becoming febal, as George wouldn't stop. He screamed again, spit flying from his mouth, his eyes black and buldging. No one was able to get a hold on him for long, he was swinging every limb, nashing his teeth and twisting he was like a feral animal. And he wouldn't stop.

"MOVE!" Alby's deep voice roared.

He came running through the group, a spear held up by his shoulder like an ancient warrior. Evelyn's hazy eyes were glued to Jack, she struggled to her hands and knees, desperately crawling over to the struggling boys. George had dug his fingers into Jack's eye sockets, he screamed and withered in pain.

With a wild yell if his own, Alby thrust the spear into the back of George's neck. There was enough force that it poked through the front. His wild animal screams turned to chocking gargling, he fell off Jack and twitched. Dark red blood soaked the grass. Evelyn pulled Jack closer to herself, he had his hands covering his injured and bloody face.

George twitched once more and went still.

It was silent. And then slowly as if lost in a trans the boys slowly walked away.

Jack was sobbing in Evelyn's arms, soaking her shirt in tears and blood. Alby, slumped, using the spear to hold himself up, Newt slid to the ground sitting cross legged on the grass his head in his hands looking absolutely miserable. Ben stood staring at the dead boy on the grass, his face white as a ghost.

"What the shucken hell just happened?"

Evelyn twisted her head, and saw Nick standing just behind them. His face was a mixture of shock, and fear. Behind his glasses, hi eyes flicked between everyone, slowly gathering what happened.

Alby summed up what happened. Nick came over and crouched down beside George.

"He kept saying something stung him!" Ben muttered, running a hand through his hair.

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