Chapter 5: Nighttime Secrets

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True to his word Gally brought three beds into the little hut, with the help of Newt, Jack had helped Evelyn with George. He could mostly do it on his own, but Evelyn wasn't taking any chances.

"Ya know we might have to extend the place. Or build a bigger MedHut." Gally said looking around.

"Yeah, a bit squishy, ain't it?" Newt chuckled.

They pushed two beds close together with a small table in between against one wall, and the other bed into the corner at the back, where Evelyn would sleep.

"We can start tomorrow." Gally nodded.

"Thank you Gal." She placed a hand on his arm and squeezed gently.

He shrugged and left the hut. Jack helped ease George down onto the bed and help kick his boots off. With a groan he laydown. Jack got him situated and he was asleep within minutes.

"G'Night guys." Newt smiled at them and waved, his eyes lingered on Evelyn, who had turned back and started to putter at the table. He finally turned and left.

"Mind if I crash?" Jack asked.

"By all means. I'll stay quiet." She said gently.

She heard him flop and within a few minutes he was snoring. Her muscles were still tense. It had been a long two days. She took the few seeds from the table, a few notebooks and her pencil and quietly left the hut.

Making her way around to the back of the hut she saw that the guys had strung up a few hammocks and a few guys pulled sleeping bags over and they were sleeping closer in a clump then spaced out. It made her smile, they were starting to realize they needed each other.

She watched as one guy sat up and she heard the unmistakable sounds of crying. Another guy beside him sat up and comforted him. She couldn't see who it was, but she was glad he had a friend. She hugged her stuff closer to her chest and wandered to the back of the hut, where she had started making a garden.

It was hard work, ripping the grass way and turning the earth. But she liked the hard work, the idea of growing something from a seed and watching it grow and then becoming something to help the body. It always fascinated her. Setting her stuff down she tied her hair back with the elastic that was around her wrist when she woke up here. She got down in her hands and knees and slowly got to work. It was cooler in the evening, and quiet.

"You're up late, Ev."

She jumped with a small yelp, dropping her spade.

"Oh bloody hell! I'm sorry!" Newt mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay Newt. Just startled me." She forced a smile, with a hand on her heart.

He knelt down, "what cha doing?"


"Clearly. But why?"

She smiled and sat up, "making a garden. As I use things I gotta replace them."

"That's bloody clever." He nodded seriously.

It made her laugh quietly. And he grinned.

"So what are we planting?"

"We?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Well clearly I'm not sleeping. Might as well be bloody helpful."

She smiled at him, his eyes flicked all over her face. The moon light was making her pale skin glow and her golden sunshine hair have an otherworldly shine to it, it looked almost white in the moonlight. Her face took on a slight pick tinge, and she looked down and started digging in the dirt.

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