Chapter 33: Game On

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🌶Spicy Scene to kick off the chapter 🌶

The sun on her face woke her up. She opened her eyes and came face to face with big soft brown eyes. They lit up when her eyes met his.

"Good morning Lee!" Newt said softly.

"Mmmm morning." She yawned.

She stretched, the blanket pulled away. She gasped when the cold air hit her skin. Her face flooded with heat. Snatching the blanket back and curling into a tight ball. Newt snickered at her.


"Umm...yeah..." She muttered.

"Are ya being shy now?" He smirked.

"Shut up." She whispered, her face pink and feeling really warm.


He was trying hard not to smile or smirk at her. He gently lifted the blanket off her head, and then lifted her chin. He gazed down at her, his eyes gentle and reassuring.

"Lee...are you okay with what happened last night? Do you regret what happened?"

"Yes! Yes Love, it was... amazing! And no, I don't regret anything!"

He hummed. The hand holding her chin slid back, holding the side of her face. He kissed gently but firmly. Her breath was caught in her lungs. He kissed like it was their first and last. Her mind went cloudy and all thoughts and doubts disappeared, it was just him, he consumed her thoughts, her heart, her soul and spirit.

He shifted so the arm he had proved himself up, slid under her head. And the one on the side of her face slid down her body to her back, and pulled her close. She wrapped her arms around him. Lost in the kiss, a noise between a sigh, whimper and moan escaped. He smiled, his lips still pressed to hers. He laughed. Her eyes peeked open and his were sparkling and full of laughter and life.

She smiled back. Pulling away just enough, "I love ya" he whispered, kissing her cheek. "so bloody much, Lee!" He kissed her other cheek, his lips and breath tickling her skin, making her giggle.

"I love you too!"

He snuggled his face into her neck and inhaled deeply. She giggled harder. Evelyn could feel him chuckling, he did it again making her shriek and squirm.

"Newt! That tickles!"

"Well now that I know..."

He smoothed his face even more into her neck. She was wiggling and squirming and laughing.

"Come back here, woman! I'm tryna love you!" He laughed.

They struggled against each other; Evelyn trying to escape and Newt trying to hold her. She was laughing too hard her struggle was febel, and he ended pinning her, holding her hands above her head, looking down at her with a huge smirk.

"Ha. I buggen' win."

"Did you though?"

She raised a teasing eyebrow, her chest heaving from laughing. His smirk disappeared. She wrapped her legs around his hips, arching her back up into him.

"Shuck Lee." He growled, "not fair!" His eyes wide and his breathing speeding up.

"Very fair." She whispered seductively.

Evelyn tightened her legs around him, pulling him closer with her legs and lifting her hips into him. His hands tightened around her wrists.

"Bloody hell...Lee... Are...are....shuck... Evelyn!"

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