Chapter 14: Rock Bottom

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**Trigger Warning - Suiside**

Evelyn stood frozen in her spot utterly confused. Her chest was still rising and falling, her breathing coming in shirt gasps. Her head was still clouded and her brain was having a hard time keeping up with what just happened.

She lifted her hand, her finger tips gently running over her tingling lips.

"What ..what just happened?" She whispered to herself.

Finally blinking away the fog when Gally's scream cut through the Glad. Reality hit her hard in the gut. With her mind still reeling and her heart still beating wildly she returned to tend to Gally.


A hand gently shook her awake.

"Huh? Whaaa?" She jumped, her eyes flying open.

"Relax Pixy! It's just me!" Minho chuckled.

She groand and she sat up straight and stretched. Her back was sore from falling asleep in the wood chair beside Gally. With another groan she rubbed her tired eyes with her fists.

"You look like you could use a good night's sleep."

"The dead on your feet, need a shower desperately isn't the new look?" She rolled her eyes.

"You've been hanging out with me too much." He frowned, but then pretended to wipe a tear, "I'm so proud! That sass!"

She gave him a playful shove.

"What do you want Min? Last time you woke me up early you needed to talk."

"Straight to the point, huh? No good morning Minho. How is my favorite Glader doing?" He folded his arms and raised an eyebrow.

Evelyn rolled her eyes, got up from the chair with another groan, making her way out of the room to the big open room.

"That would inflate your already too big ego. If it got any bigger, you'd be stuck in the doorway!" She turned to face him folding her own arms, "and know what I would do if you were stuck?"

He raised his eyebrows.

"I'd stand and laugh."

He snorted and then chuckled.

"Ahh my little Pixy, you're too cute when you try to out sass me!"

"What do you want Min?" She tried to stifle a yawn.

"Have you seen Newt?"

She felt a flop in her stomach and her face warmed up, quickly turning towards the table, trying to hide her blush.

"Last night, yeah." Her voice came out slightly strangled.

"Hmm. I haven't seen him since Supper last night."

"What?" She spun around, fear spiked through her.

"He said he had some stuff to do, and would see me later." Minho shrugged, "he didn't look too good, I was gonna give him the day off."

"He came here after everyone went to bed, wanted to....uh talk."

Minho raised his eyebrow, and her face grew warm.

"Talk? We're calling it 'talk' are we?" He teased.

"Shut up."

"Ahh so he finally had the guts to kiss you? Only took him a whole shucken year!" 

"What's the first time!" She said in self defence, then her eyes went wide, and she slapped a hand over her mouth and Minho roared with laughter. 

"Shuck it Pixy!" 

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