Chapter 41: Slammed Shut

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Evelyn ran straight towards Minho who had sunk to his knees. Alby slipped off landing with a thud. 

"MINHO!" Evelyn screamed. 

Minho picked up his exhausted head, fear and relief flashed on his face, but it dropped in exhaustion. Evelyn reached them, skidding to a halt on her knees in front of Minho. She grabbed his face, lifting it, and sending her swirling power into him, her hands were already warm and they started glowing. She saw his eyes lit up again. 

"Come on Min, we gotta go." She smiled at him, "No more sittin' around, up ya get." 

She stood up and pulled him up, stumbling slightly with his exhaustion. She sent another blast into him. His breathing became easier. Evelyn started sweating, and black spots danced in her vision. But she shook her head, shook the clouds away and grabbed Alby, Minho grabbed his other arm. Together they started hulling Alby towards the glade. There was a crowd now of Gladers, all yelling at them to hurry- like they were taking their time. They both knew the walls were closing. 

10 feet. 




Evelyn and Minho glanced at each other. They knew they would never leave him behind. Evelyn had no idea what was wrong with him, but she had a feeling. And no way was she going to leave him inside the maze at night, alone and unconscious. 

5 feet. The doors were almost closed. The long spikes reaching out for the corresponding holes. 


Alby was heavy. Her head was swimming again, her power seemed to match with her moods, her heart was heavy and hurting, so her power was harder to grasp onto and it took more out of her. After the last two days...she was close to passing out again. She lifted her head at the scream of her name. Newt was being held by Sonny and Nick. They all looked stricken and hopeless. 

"NO! PLEASE NO!" He cried, the doors were just about closed. 

Alby slipped out of Minho's grasp and both guys collapsed to the ground, and taking Evelyn with them, she slammed her head on the stone ground. Her vision went fuzzy for a moment. trying to scramble to her feet she shook the black spots away. She saw Newt reach for the Greenie.

"Tommy! NO! TOMMY!" He screamed.

The Greenie slipped in between the doors, pushing threw just as the doors slammed shut. He fall onto his face. The halls echoed with the sound of the boom. The halls settled and it was quiet, the only sound was Minho's ragged breathing. 

"Good job Greenie, you just killed yourself." Minho grunted from the ground. He was still laying his eyes closing, his chest heaving. 

The Greenie was leaning on the wall that just closed, like he very much regrated his decision to run out into the Maze. He pushed off and spun around. Minho pushed off the ground and struggled to stand once again. Minho looked terrible, even in the pale light still available; sweaty, dirty, scratched-up and a wild look of twisted fear on his face. Evelyn got onto her knees and crawled over to Alby. 

Alby looked terrible. His clothes were ripped, arms covered in cuts and scratches, bruises all over. Black veins were starting to creep up his neck. Evelyn cursed so bad Minho looked over. Evelyn ripped her bag open, digging around inside of it.

"Greenie," Minho sneered, "if you think that was brave comin' out here, listen up. You're the shuckiest shuck-faced shuck there ever was. You're as good as dead, just like us."

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