Chapter 2: Entertaiment Duel! Swordsoul VS Performapal

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After taking a hour, Yuya and me arrived in You Show Duel School.

Yuya: "Here we are." Said with smile.

Right about he's releasing my arms, I was falling down comedically.


Yukina: "W-we didn't have to run like that, Yuya... *panted* You almost kill me." Said with panted and muffled when I was lie front down.

Yuya: "Oops, sorry about that, I got carried away." Said with embarrassment.

I was stand up slowly and take a breath.

Yukina: "By the way, where's the others?" Said with questionable.

As I looked around the area before seeing them. They all lost their breath.

Yuzu: "Yuya... next time... please don't run too fast." Said in panted heavily.

Once Yuzu and other kids recovered their stamina, Yuya asked me.

Yuya: "What do you think about our school?" Said with smile.

To be honest, the design is unique, colorful and ridiculous at the same time. It was like kindergarten but more futuristic. I can understand the design because this school teach Entertaiment Duel and fun in Dueling.

Yukina: "Well, all I can say is you have a unique school Yuya." Said with smile.

Yuya seemed pleased with my answer.

Yuya: "Great! Now let's go inside! I'm sure the others will be happy to see you!" Said with happily.

Yuya opened the door and we entered in.

Once we get inside You Show Duel School, it actually didn't look that bad despite the reputation, there's a tables, chairs, couches, desks and computer.

???: "Yuya, Yuzu! Is that you guys!?" Said from a man out of nowhere.

We turned and see a man who has dark blue eyes and brown/orange hair.

Before I speak, Yuzu's father got an uncomfortably close to me.

Shuzo: "I'm Shuzo Hiiragi, the Principal of YSDS and Yuzu's father." Said in introduced himself.

Yukina: "It was a pleasure to meet you Hiiragi-san. I'm Yukina Kurogane." "And mind your personal space." Said in respectively with nervous smile.

Shuzo: "Oh, don't tell me you're interested in enrolling our school." Said with look so eagerly.

Looks like he's probably a bit desperate for searching a new student. I understand that, but still that's not the good way to make them come. Luckily, Yuzu smacked her father's head with paper fan.

Yuzu: "Dad please! That's not the way to enroll new student! And seriously she getting anxious when you act like that!" Said with angry.

???: "Who's this person?" Said from bulky young man questionable along the short boy with cyan colored hair followed.

Gongenzaka: "I, the man Gongenzaka, never seen her before." Said with firmly.

Yuya: "Hi Gongenzaka, when did you came here? I hope you aren't waiting for too long." Said with smile.

Gongenzaka: "No you didn't. I, the man Gongenzaka, was wondering if my rival would be interested for another friendly match before Maiami Championship." Said with firmly.

Yuya: "Sorry Gongenzaka, another time to Duel. For now, I would like you to meet my new friend here." Said with smile.

Gongenzaka walked towards me and dear god, he's bigger than I thought.

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