Chapter 13: The Facility

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(A/N: Okay.... Really I already update next chapter, but next time anyone dare pressure on me to publish next chapter.... One of you readers leave me no choice but to mute and block effective immediately. You do all know we human had limit don't you all? 😑💢💢💢)

Sawatari: "Let go of me you bastard!" Yelled in anger.

As he trying to get out of Officers grip who was trying to throw him into a transport van.

Officer: "Shut up! Get in there!" Shout with serious.

Officer violently pushed him in the prison transporting van, making him fall. To make things worse, they throw Crow and Shinji on top of him.

Officer: "You three get in there as well." Said with stern tone.

He also pushed Yuya, Serena and me to the van, well... at least not as violently as Sawatari.

I inwardly sighed. I tried to stop Serena but she wouldn't listen. I suppose that Facility is a part of the story after all. How else would we show a true meaning of Dueling to Chojiro? Still, she put everyone in danger because of her selfish desires to find Yuzu and the rest of Lancers.

Yukina: "I know I should tie them up and lock them somewhere safe especially that Serena." Said in mind while inwardly sighed.

Lovely Labrynth: "Uwa... I didn't know you were that Kinky." Said through telepathy with teasing tone.

Yukina: "Oh be quiet, Mom." Said in mind with annoyed tone.

The kids: "Crow!" Shout unison.

The kids called out their caretaker, but the Officer stopped them.

Crow: "You guys! Take care and eat properly!" Said with concern.

With those last parting words, van drove off as cries of Frank, Amanda and Tanner could be heard. What can they do if their caretaker is taken off?! The window on van closed as Yuya continued desperately calling out of Reira.

Yukina: "Relax, Yuya. I saw Tsukikage taking Reira before security had a chance to capture him. I'm sure he will be okay." Said with calm tone.

He sighed in relief as he took a seat next to me.

Yuya: "Thank goodness." Said in relief tone.

Crow: "Tsukikage is the same guy that came from Different Dimension like you guys?" Said questionable.

Yukina: "Yeah.... *I looked at him* Let me guess. Sawatari wouldn't shut up about that?" Said in boring tone.

Crow: "*nod* Yep. He wouldn't shut up about it even after your warning to not tell anything." Said while chuckled.

Yukina: "*facepalm* Well, I don't want you to think that we are some kinds of lunatic or freak." Said with embarrassment.

Crow: "Well, after seeing unusual Summoning Method you guys used, it wasn't that hard to believe." Said as pointed out.

Sawatari: "This is a mistaken arrest! When my father heard about this, you all will done for!" Yelled at the camera.

Yukina: *tick mark* "Sawatari, Sit the fuck down or I swear to Ra or even outer gods that I'll beat the living shit out of you and twist your neck until it snaps or maybe even worse maybe I'll give you some 'special treatment'." Said in extremely menacing tone while glaring.

At my threat, Sawatari and everyone on the van giving me a shock looks even when they heard I said about 'special treatment'. Sawatari immediately sat down and scared pale as ghost after I gave him a murderous glare.

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