Chapter 4: Invasion of Star vs Different Dimension Daemon

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At Night - Yuzu's Room

Me, along with my Spirits sitting each other and they all sitting seiza while I was sitting on the bed. I was already asked Yuzu for borrowing her room for arranging my deck as an excuse before dinner, so it will take times for having serious conversation about why I have 'that' power...?

Yukina: "Well? Do you have anything to say about why I have that power?" Said with serious.

Chengying take a deep breath and started talking.

Chengying: "Alright, I'll start from beginning." Said with neutral.


In the place meeting between Horakhty and 5 units.

Chengying (Narrator): "Right we're about finish meeting, we got unexpected guest have uninvited."

Chengying: "Well then, it is time then." Said with neutral.

Chengying look at others leader unit and nodded each other and then...

???: "Wait." Said from out of nowhere.

Then they all find source of voice and what they saw a shadowed man figure dressed in black and gold medieval knight-esque armor with six tendril-like spikes, two jutting out of the armor's back and four jutting out of the shoulders, a headdress with a tall collar and a floor-length red cape.

The spirits take cautious of him.

Lovely Labrynth step forward and point her weapon to him.

Lovely Labrynth: "Who are you? You got some nerve to try invade our privacy." Said with serious.

The unknown person raised his hand as stop.

???: "Calm yourself, Mistress of Silver Castle, I am not your enemy, but an ally, I am sure Lady Horakhty will know as well." Said with neutral.

Horakhty: "He speak the truth, please lower down your weapon, everyone." Said with calm look.

The units look at Horakhty in confused, but they had no choice to lower down their weapon.

Horakhty: "I never expected a person like you have come to this important meeting, Supreme King Judai Yuki." Said with calm look.

The Units look surprise about his identity.

The Supreme King took off his helmet and revealed a young man with brown hair and heterochromatic between gold and green eyes.

Judai: "Well, my apologize for I just got eavesdropped on you all." Said with small smile while bow a little.

Horakhty just smile.

Horakhty: "Your forgiven, now what is it you have to come here for?" Said with calm.

Judai: "I... willing want to help her as well." Said with determined.

Horakhty: "Oh?" Said with surprise but calm.

Judai: "When I was take a look about that young girl, she remind me when I was before Supreme King, When she all alone in orphanage but she had friends and treated like family, when she look someone got trouble and she insisted help each other and when she play a Duel Monster, the way she playing was just for fun same as me and she even take care of you all" Said with small smile.

The units look each other and smile about what he just said.

Judai: "That's why I have a gift for young girl duelist." Said with determined.

Judai pull out an orb color between black and white from his pocket.

Chengying: "What's that you have possessed?" Said with neutral.

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