Chapter 9: Fateful Encounter, Silver Demon vs Moonlight Beast

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Fusion Dimension - Academia

The professor just watched Sora's memories that he got after he was sent back to Fusion Dimension. He was shocked and concerned after he saw from the Sora first-time encounter Yukina until Sora's Duel against Yukina.

Professor: "What in the... she's master of all Summoning method including Ritual Summon as well." Said in shock.

Then the Professor pressed a button on his Throne and then a screen appeared and showed Kurogane Yukina's Supreme Queen Form transformation and Kurogane Yukina's God Draw, he felt the aura coming from Yukina, but most importantly that he saw something shocking and unexpected that she defeat Sora using a God Card that he didn't expected there's a monster is the same name as his own Forces before the creation of the Four Dimension and during the invasion of Xyz Dimension, the God Card that easily destroyed Sora. And lastly, the warning that Kurogane Yukina poke on Sora forehead, she gave to him that she will ruin his plan so-called Utopia of bringing Ray back will be destroyed like some kind of Empress who will everything that he works upon.

Yukina(Memories): "You're next... Akabe Leo. I will ruin your plan that so-called Utopia of yours to bringing back your Daughter Ray with my own hands and of course if you dare to bring your so-called Obelisk Force of yours, then go ahead... I will send them to hell and bring their worse punishment." Said with serious and smirk at the end of part.

Professor: "That aura of her... did she related to Zarc...? If so, I must eliminate her as soon as possible!" Said with serious.

At that moment, a boy who has same face with Yuya but with purple and pink hair, purple eyes and wearing a purple uniform with a red cape walked with his sadistic looking grin. He was the Fusion counterpart of Yuya, Yuri.

Yuri: "You wanted to see me, Professor?" Said with grin while bowed, a sign of respect.

Professor: "Yes, Yuri. After investigating situation on Standard, we obtained some interesting informations." Said with serious.

He turns on the monitor and showed to Yuri about picture of Yuzu.

Professor: "Her name is Hiiragi Yuzu. She's the last pieces that I'm seeking. You will bring her to me." Said with serious as command him.

Yuri: "Of course, Professor." Said with grin while bowed.

Professor: "And one more thing. About the Duelist that you had to eliminate... *he showed the Yukina's picture* Her name is Kurogane Yukina. She used all Summoning method include Ritual Summon and She Duel with a lot multiple deck and She has never lost a single Duel." Said with serious.

Yuri's ears perked up at that. He suddenly became very interested with that Duelist's ability. Not to mention Professor seems paranoid when he talk about her and Yuri became more and more eager to face him each passing day.

Professor: "When you go to Standard and confront her, make sure to bring reinforcement as many as possible with you." Said with calm, but firm tone.

Yuri: "But Professor, I know this Duelist might be a threat for our plans, but it's really necessary? I assure you I can handle her alone." Said with a bit protested.

Professor: "That's an ORDER." Said again with firm tone.

Yuri: "I understand." Said with neutral while bowed.

Professor: "You're dismissed." Said with neutral.

Yuri nodded and leave the throne room.

At that moment, a girl wears a red jacket with indigo hair tied up in ponytail and green eyes was eavesdropping the whole conversation outside the throne room, hoping that she wouldn't been discovered. She was our future girlfriend Serena...or something else.

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