Chapter 14: Showdown between King of Speed and Supreme Queen

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(A/N: Alright.... Here's the next chapter, I hope you all be patient yourself.)

Serena's Dream

Serena POV

I got sudden gasp when I heard a water droplet and saw nothing in sight, I walked through void of a thick darkness, unable to realize where I am. That is until I stopped when I saw familiar face.

Serena: "Y-Yukina...?" Said stammered.

When I looking at the girl's face. While I make sure that person in front of me was indeed the Supreme Queen Duelist, but her condition was shiver down my spine. Her deep blue eyes turn into empty void look down feeling guilty and sad, her body got damaged so badly. Cut wounds everywhere, bleeding head, her outfits damaged, etc.

I gasped in shock when I realized Yukina was Dueling someone. And that someone is two girls who had same face as me. Yukina has empty field while the two girls had a Monster that resemblance bird and crystal.

Yukina LP: 500 x3

???1 LP: 4000 x1

???2 LP: 4000 x2

???1: "Go, Nightingale! Direct attack!" Said from obsidian haired girl.

As she ordered the bird-like monster let out a sinister chuckle and charged at Yukina. With a long, suffering scream, Yukina sent flying before landed on the ground.

Yukina LP: 0 x3

???1 LP: 4000 x1

???2 LP: 4000 x2

???1 & ???2 Win

Serena: "Yukina...lost...?" Said mumbled in disbelief.

The two figures then approached Yukina, raised their Duel Disk as the next scene make my blood run cold.

Yukina: "I deserve this." Said in empty expression.

Both girls swung their arms.

Yukina: "I was...murdered to my friends..." Said in empty expression.

The Duel Disk blades piercing her chest as she gasped out blood from her mouth.

Yukina: "I...deserve this punishment..." Said in void look.

Serena: "No...." Said in horror look as my tears uncontrollably runs down my cheeks.

I ran to Yukina and hug her close.

Serena: "Stay with me...please..." Said in tears.

Yukina only respond with a sad with tears as she slowly her eyes and her body turned cold. She's dead on my embrace. I try to shove her to wake up but it... really didn't respond....

Serena: "Y-Yukina... please wake up... please..." Said in disbelief with tears.

The two girls: "Kurogane Yukina the Supreme Queen is no more! Professor! We did it!" Said while laugh maniacally.

Serena: "!" Yelled while crying.

I gasped when I heard water droplet once again, but this time while I was lying on the floor. I am inside the church castle lookalike with purple night. Then I look in front of me, there is someone who look adult sitting the Queen Chair lookalike while crossing some legs although I can't see a person when still silhouette but all I can see is there a white horns and black crown on her head and there is... large black bat wings? And her outfit looks like a little too much reveal. Then she saw me.

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