Chapter 11: Battle Royale Part 2, Incoming Sky Dragon!

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Fusion Dimension - Professor's Throne Room

Professor gazed at Yuri with disappointed face.

Professor: "Why didn't you capture Hiiragi Yuzu?" Said with disappointed.

Yuri unable find a logical reason why his 'prey' was able to sent him back to Fusion Dimension with her bracelet. To say that her bracelet was sent him back to Academia was just foolish and he was sure that Professor wouldn't believe him, but he didn't have any other logical choice, so he decided to tell that story to him.

Yuri: "Professor.... I was hunting Hiiragi Yuzu as you requested, but when I was coming close to her, her bracelet suddenly shined brightly and then I was sent back to Academia." Said with regret look.

Professor: "Bracelet? Did Ray considering him as a threat so that she teleported him away?", "You think I would believe such a foolish statement like that?" Said in thought as wondering and reply to him with firm tone.

Yuri bowed as a sign of regret that he couldn't finish one of his missions.

Yuri: "I know you wouldn't Professor. But I know what I saw." Said with regretful look.

Professor: "*a few moments thinking* I'll let it be next time, but a further failure will not be tolerated." Said with cold tone.

Yuri: "I understand...." Said with neutral.

Professor: "For now, we'll wait for Obelisk Force to report. If they didn't manage to beat Kurogane Yukina, you will be teleported back to Standard to carry on your second mission. And also, I need to know why is some of those Duel Disk force return without the users...." Said with neutral.

At that moment, without any warning, the last Obelisk Force that he saw Yukina action barged into Throne Room.

Obelisk Force Member: "Professor!" Said in terrified.

Yuri: "To think he had a nerve to barge in here like that. Should I punish him for his lack of respect, Professor?" Said with devious smirk.

Professor: "No. Let him explain." Said with serious.

Obelisk Force Member: "Kurogane Yukina.... Is a Devil!" Said in fear.

That causes the Professor and Yuri to take an interest.

Obelisk Force Member: "She destroyed all Obelisk Force that you sent to her with ease." Said in fear.

Yuri: "Oh... Interesting." Said in thought with interest look.

Obelisk Force Member: "All 46 Obelisk Force that face her was beaten to pulp." Said with fear.

Professor: "46?!" Said in surprise.

Yuri: "Interesting, interesting indeed. I didn't know that woman was that strong." Said in thought with smirk.

Obelisk Force Member: "The one of the Obelisk Force that was face her said.... Said that they saw the bright black-bluish light coming from her necklace and then she transforms into some kind of dress who looks like an Empress." Said with fear.

Professor: "An Empress?" Said with confuse.

Obelisk Force Member: "Yes. She also said in that form she was called Avos Dilhevia the Supreme Queen." Said in fear.

Professor were flinched when he said that word 'Supreme'.

Yuri: "Avos Dilhevia the Supreme Queen...." Said in thought with curious.

Obelisk Force Member: "Also there's one more thing.... The reason why a lot of Duel Disk force return without user... because it's was not a normal Duel...." Said in fear.

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