Chapter 2

501 17 4

The son of the Xu pvt corporation sudden return to Korea after 2 years, was over the business headlines

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The son of the Xu pvt corporation sudden return to Korea after 2 years, was over the business headlines. The airport is flooded with journalist just to  get a glimpse of the young man who was never under the spotlight. He liked his personal space and was always away from media and gossips. There was a lot of buzz in the city about him but they had no idea why he after being away for 2 years suddenly returned as he never showed much interest in the business or never attended any business events in the past, the reason the people had very little idea about him. People had different thoughts while some thought he was going to head the company while people thought he was just back for a vacation but no one knew the shock they were going to get once the know the reason for his return to Korea would be made public.

As Minghao walks into the big hallroom he is greeted by his father and mother with a warm hug. Oh! How much he missed them both. His mother was already tearing up seeing her son.

They sat for dinner, everything seems to go well untill Mr Xu started talking.

"I'm so happy you decided to comeback home my son"

"Dad I had to someday or the other how long will I keep running away" Minghao replied while his mom placed a piece of meat into his plate.

"But what was the reason you haven't even told me why" He replied looking at his father who just continued eating.

After dinner his father called Minghao into the office that was down the hallway. 

"I know this might sound odd to you son but this the only way we can strengthen the business overseas as well as in Korea" the father started. Even though they already had a good reputation in the business world his father wanted to make it even bigger and stable which he thought was the best if they agreed on what the "The Platinum Hotels" and "Xu Corporation Pvt Ltd" had decided, both the owners had been friends ever since they were young and saw eachother at the worst and the best. 

Xu pvt Corporation was a trusted engineering, construction and project management partner to Industry and government. Xu Minghao's father had built the whole company with his own hands since he was young he was ambitious and wanted to earn himself a name and wanted to do the best for his family, but as time passed by he saw his hardwork pay off after he started getting offers and contract with bigger companies which eventually led to his company becoming the No.1.  

"MingMing my son" his dad again started speaking, even though the company is doing well there are alot threat around if we don't make it stronger with alot of people wanting to run over us and see us fall to ashes, father has decided to change the business partnership with the "THE PLATINUM HOTELS" to a close one. As you know they are untouchable in the business world and I think this is the best choice.

Minghao who was silently listening to his father looked up surprised.

But I have no siblings nor do they have any daughter then how he was half way completing his sentence when he realised what his father was talking about.

All I want to say is "You are going to marry into the Kim family".

" Son!" Mr and Mrs Kim has always been fond of you since you were  little and they are looking forward to hearing from you about this matter.

Minghao loved his father and he knew everything his father did was for the family. Never did his father once ask him any to do anything against his wishes or even pressure him with business matters, he knew this was the only way he could help his father after everything he has done for him.

"I understand dad" was all he replied and walked out the office.


Guys I'm trying! I'm not very good with writing but this story has been on my mind for long so really wanted you guys read them. Please help me improve by supporting me. 


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