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AvyAnna gold

Crazy? No art, insane? Yes!

Tommy Shelby

Did you love her?

Arthur Shelby jr

Are you bloody crazy kid!

John Shelby

Why'd you leave?

Finn Shelby

Ouch why'd you do that for!?!?

Ada Shelby/thorne

God save whomever pissed her off

Micheal Shelby

I...did you just slap me!

Esme Shelby/Lee

Why are you covered in blood!!
Why is it when I see you your covered in blood!!

Grace Burgess

She Fucking shot me tommy

Lizzie stark

Did you really shoot her *snorts*

Aberama Gold

You slept with that woman!!
Of all the women why her!!

Arthur Shelby Sr.

Pollyanna You've gone mad

Linda Shelby

Arthur it's me or them

Billy kimber

She's a whore they all are!

Alfie Solomons

What the fuck avyanna!!

Freddie Thorne

Your done for gold

Gina gray

Polly put your dog on a leash
*Gets slapped into next week*

Chester Campbell

I'm coming for you gold and when I come you'll be the next dead Shelby

Elisabeth Pollyanna gray

I'm going to murder whoever hurt her tommy with or without your help she's never been like this so....vulnerable so.... broken. Whomever hurt my girl will pay the price

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now