Piss me off see what happened

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(Polly's pov)

"Darling what's going on?" I asked as Avyanna stormed into the house

"Nothing"she glared

"Avyanna gold! Don't forget who your to!"I glared back

Avy and I haven't argued in ages so her cold attitude pissed me off.

"Oh Remind me Polly who am I talking to"she raised her voice

"You're talking to the owner of the house you staying in"I threatened

"You won't do shit"she argued

"Piss me off and see what happens"

I glared my tone angry

"Whatever I'm leaving anyway"she growled

"And where Will you go? Hmmm?" I glared

"Somewhere away from you" she spat and walked out slamming the door

"Ughhhhh" I groaned

(Time skip)
At the betting shop

I sat in the betting shop bouncing my knee it's been a few days since I personally heard from avyanna.

"Hey polly"I heard a shaky voice from behind me

"Polly I'm sorry, I snapped yesterday"she said placing a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off standing up turning in a swift movement backing her against the wall by her coats collar

"You don't get to disappear for days then show back up with a apology" I glared at avyanna as her back hit the wall

"Your right,I'll make it up to yo...."I interrupted her by smashing my lips against her's

She almost immediately kissed me back

"Feel better?" She Smirked

"Much" I Smirked back

"Now where the hell have you been"I growled

"At a hotel"she mumbled


"You were mad at me"

"So were you"I rolled my eyes

"Darling don't you ever do that again"I glared

"Yes ma'am" she scoffed

"Your bloody insane"I laughed before moving away from her letting her more away from the wall

(Time skipppppppp)
The Garrisons

(Avyanna's pov)

Polly sat beside ada and Esme while I held Elisa the entire Shelby clan staring at me while I calmed the crying baby

"Shhhh it's alright My little angel"I whispered rocking her as her cries because shallow

"There we go"I smiled kissing her head

Then the cutest thing ever happened

She let out a small loud giggle

Making me grin ear to ear.

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now