cuddles and kisses

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Hiiiiii, first I'd like to thank you guys for 1.35k reads!!!!, enjoy this chapter it's mostly just fluff and Alittle bit of insecurity sooooooo enjoy, no smut this time sorrrrrry.
Okay maybe alittle slight smut...

(Avyanna's pov)

I woke up, immediately noticing Polly wasn't beside me,  My mind began to race with unwanted thoughts.

Was I that bad?
Was it my body?
What did I do?
I knew it was to good to me true.

Tears began to roll down my cheeks, and I curled into a ball.

I'm overthinking it, she's probably just busy.
Christ I'm such a baby!
Why do I act like this!! What's wrong with me, why am I so clingy!!

My thoughts only made the tears worse.

"Darling?" I heard from behind me.

I immediately wiped my cheeks and sat up my eyes meeting those of my lover.

"Darling what's wrong?" Polly asked and pulled me into her arms.

"I'm just being ridiculous...." I mumbled cuddling into her, and sniffling.

"That's a lie, tell me the truth darling."

"I...i woke up and you weren't here and I started to overthink it, I'm sorry..." I explained.

"Don't be sorry, darling. I just had to grab something from tommy, I should've left you a note, I'm sorry." She spoke softly caressing my hair.

"It's okay..." I said nuzzling into her more.

"I love you, darling. More than you'll ever know or understand." She soothed, caressing my hair.

"I love you too, Pollyanna..."

"Would you like to take a warm bath with me?" She asked softly.

"Yes, please." I Smiled.

"Okay stay right here and I'll go prepare it, alright?"

"Okay...." I nodded.

"Good girl." She smiled and stood up walking out of the bedroom.

I sat there waiting patiently for her to come get me, I couldn't describe how much I loved her and her company... It's odd isn't it? At first we hated each others guts now we're here... Then again I don't think I ever truly hated her.

"Avy, darling come on.." Polly's voice brought me back to reality and I stood up, she took my hand and led me to the bathroom, she took off her clothes and got in first. Then I did the same, and cuddled Into her, the water was warm and smelt of witch hazel and rose's, a comfortable scent that reminds me of Polly.

"You alright, luv?" She asked softly,  caressing my hair.

"I'm perfect, Since I'm in your arms."
I said comfortablely, she smiled and continued to caress my hair.

We stayed in the warm water for about thirty minute just relaxing against each other.

She grabbed a cloth and put her rose scented body wash into the center of the cloth, scrubbing it together then gently started to scrub my back, moving my hair to the side.

She scrubbed my back, them my sides, waist, stomach, hips.

She then moved to my legs, My calf's, feet, then thighs, she slipped her hand between my thighs, she teased my folds before slipping between them, circling my clit, making me gasp softly.

She continued to circle my sensitive bud, her other hand rolled my nipple between her index and thumb.

Her hand between my legs sped up making me squirm and whimper softly.

"Does that feel good, Sweet girl?" She whispered softly.

"Yes mommy..." I whispered back.

"You're doing very well baby girl.."
She said sweetly, As she pushed her index finger into my entrance, making my body jolt slightly.

She thrusted her digit a few times before add her middle, thrusting fastly making my thighs begin to shake.

My body tensed.

"Cum for mommy, baby.." she whispered into my ear, and it was as if that was all I need to fall over the edge, my body shaking and tensing as I rode my high.

She slowly removed her fingers, and held me close.

I slowly caught my breath, I slipped my hand between her legs but she pushed my hand away with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"No touching yet baby girl.." she said in a playful bit stern tone, making me pout.

"Can I wash your hair, darling?"
Polly asked calmly, a small smile dancing on her lips.

"Yeah..." I nodded slowly and sat up straight again and she smiled grabbing Her shampoo, putting some into the palm of her hand then started to massage the soap into my hair and scalp.

"Now you'll smell like me." She said a playful smirk on her lips as she continued to massage the mint scented shampoo into my hair.

She then rinsed the soap from my hair, Making sure she got all of it, she them scrubbed her body and washed her hair and then we got out, drying off before going to her bedroom cuddling up on her bed.

She left soft kisses on my head, as we cuddled. She hummed softly and I nuzzled closer to her.

"Darling, You know I'd never leave you right?" Polly said After a few minutes.

"I know..." I sighed.

"Remember when You said; we're all whores we just choose to sell different parts of ourselves, and you said you sold your heart, what did you mean by that?" She asked softly almost cautiously.

"oh it's not really important..."

"Darling you know I'd never judge you for thing's like that, You can tell me if your comfortable, but if your not that's fine to." She smiled softly caressing my hair.

I Sighed and decided to open up alittle.

"I had a girlfriend back when I lived in London...she ended things after About two years...She broke my heart..."

"Did you love her?" She Asked softly.


"Did she love you back?"

"Sometimes..." I shrugged.

"Sometimes?" She questioned.

"Only when she got her way...but we argued a lot, she was stubborn and so was I... So she didn't get her way much..." I sighed and polly nodded.

"How long ago was this..?"

"About three years ago..."

"I see...well, You know I love you, right? matter what..."

"I know, I love you too, More than all the starts in the sky."


So this kinda sucks but of well my family's sick and I've been taking care of them 😬 I'm the only one that hasn't gotten sick yet, knock on wood... But y'all drink your water!!!! And eat something good!!!!

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now