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(Polly's pov) (tw: Mentions of bruises)

"That child had the audacity to call me a bitch Tommy she will not stay at my house, under my roof, hell no" I growled angrily at my middle nephew

"Come on pol she's not that bad"Arthur defended

"No, no, no,no,No"I glared

(Later that day)

"I hate you" I scoffed as john drug avyanna into the room

(A few more minutes later)

"No no no no no, I will not stay with that witch" the young woman spat

"Witch?" I said offended

"Yes" she didn't even spare me a glance

"Come on avyanna it'll be fine Mr gold already agreed" tommy said

"My Father Fucking Agreed To This!!" She shouted

"Yes"Arthur Smirked as I hit him upside the head the smirk disappeared as quickly as it appeared

"Come on avy it'll be good for you"john smiled

"How the hell would it be good for Me?" She growled

"I got once agree with this child" I answered

"I'm not a child" she growled

"Then stop acting like one"I scoffed

"Make me!"

"Oh I wish I could" I huffed

"Enough ladies" tommy said calmly like usual

"Please avyanna it'll be better then a hotel, you won't even have to talk to Polly just obey her rules and it'll be fine"arthur said

"Ugh fine" she huffed to my dismay

"Come on I'll drive you" I huffed trying my best to fight the urge of slapping or spanking the disobedient girl

"Why should I trust you you'll probably drive me somewhere quiet and alone then murder me and leave my body" she scoffed

"Don't tempt me" I glared

"Now come on or walk up to you" I said already walking out of the room

"Go avyanna"Arthur chuckled

"If she murders me I blame you Arthur and I will haunt your ass"I heard her said as she stood up and the sound of her heels following behind me was heard

Then the men in the room started laughing after she walked out slamming the door

"Watch your temper" I scoffed as I walked outside of the empty garrisons

"Get in" I said getting into the drivers seat of my car

"Why should I"she said stubbornly

"Get in or don't. I don't care, but your attitude is starting to piss me off" I said pinching the bridge of my nose

"Fine" she groaned and got in the passager seat

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now