Overprotective pain in the ass

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(avyanna pov)  (tw: brief mentions of sexual interaction, guns. And slight abuse)

(Time skip)

It had been about two weeks since I went out with ada lizzie Esme and Polly
Me and Polly still "bicker like a old marry couple"as finn said just not around him and if we do it doesn't go far.
Ada and I Have gotten closer she's truly as sweet as honey, I don't like Freddie Thorne though he's her husband but he's a complete prick.
Esme and I are also friends just not as close as ada and I same goes from Lizzie.
Arthur ooh sweet sweet Arthur how do I put this he is a...hmmm........................... Overprotective! Pain in the ass!!! But I love him I guess.
John's pretty much the same as arthur

ust he actually threatened to kill a guy that smiled the wrong way at me.....
This whole family isn't bad it's just....the lot of the are bloody crazy and way to overprotective.
Tommy's not bad I guess he's pretty chill except for jokes about me and Polly.... I'm going to kill him one of theses days..... And the one time his broke someone's nose for winking and cat calling me....yeah one time......... anyway moving on...
Finn has been well ....Finn sweet as sugar and as playful as ever Finn is probably my favorite Shelby, don't tell the others though ;) hehe.
Dad has been..... distant and cold Everytime I try to speak to him he either ignores me or tells me to shut up which while it hurt a little at first it's starting to piss me off.

I walked downstairs wearing a long emerald green dress and per-usual my gun was strapped to my thigh.

"Oh did I interrupt something?" I asked raising a eyebrow as I walked into the living room as seen Polly sitting on top of a man I'd never seen before making her jump and fall to the ground

"No....Yes"Polly glared

"I'm borrowing your car since your..... busy" I said as I took her keys

"No your not" she Growled the man hadn't said a word he looked petrified

"It's either that or you stop having sex on the couch and take to to john and Esmes" I glared

"Or you could walk"she glared back

"Nope"I glared

"Fine take the keys and get out but if my car has even the tiniest scratch I'll kill you now get out!" She Growled. as I heard her moans and his groaned and god I wanted to kill them both.

I started the engine and drove off

I arrive at john and Esmes and knocked about four times.

"Avy!!"john said hugging me and twirling me in the air making a very pregnant Esme giggle and me glare at john

"What's pissed you off this morning you usually laugh when I do that?" John asked after he sat me back on my feet

"Oh nothing just Polly having sex with some random ass guy on the couch that I'll never be sitting on again" I grumbled

"Oh are you jealous"tommy said after I walked into the house

The only reason I was here was to help plan something for Pollys 45th birthday...but now I feel like murdering her

"No Thomas I am not bloody jealous"I glared

"She's jealous" ada smirked

"You figet with your hands when you lying"Lizzie smiled making me roll my eyes at them

"Shut up....the only reason I'm here is to help with this"I huffed and sat beside Esme who was rubbing her stomach

"Right.....avy correct me if I'm wrong but I think you've grown to care for pol" john smirked

"No..."I glared not even realizing I was playing with my hands

"Lies"arthur chuckled

"arthur I will hit you"I glared and he chuckled

"Feisty kitty you are indeed"he smirked

"Come on I have things to do what are we doing for Pollys birthday"I grumbled

"Right..."tommy smirked

"We could surprise her with dinner"john said

"John you almost burnt Pollys house down last time you boys tried to cook"Esme laughed

"I.....could cook I guess"I said

"Good idea I'll help"ada smiled

"Me too"Lizzie added

"Me three"Esme smiled

"Perfect"tommy smiled

"What's her favorite color and flavor cake?"

"Red and vanilla"arthur answered

"Okay"I smiled slightly

"Oh she can smile"john teased

"Shut up" I smiled even wider

"What else.....we could buy here a bunch of things she's had her eyes on" ada Smiled

"Or a car she's had the one she has now forever"Tommy said

"Avy you live with her that do you think she'd want?"Liz asked

"Hell of I know we usually avoid each other"I shrugged

"Yet you're here helping plan her birthday"she smiled

"Whatever"I rolled my eyes and shook my head

"She's had her eyes on a ring and necklace for awhile now"I mumbled

"Great you can get that and we'll figure out what else to buy her" Tommy smiled and we all agreed and I left driving over to where my father was

(Time Skip)

"Dad you can't make me leave now"I growled

"I'm your father of course I can"he growled back

"I'm a Grown woman No you can't"I glared

"You will do as I said Avyanna!"he shouted

"No I won...."before I could finish my sentence a echoing slap filled the air and I felt a burning sensation on my left cheek and I glared at my father

"Yes you will!!"He Shouted

"No I won't I'm a grown woman capable of making my own decisions" I growled

"Either you come with me avyanna or I kill every one of those peaky blinders you call your friends"he growled

"Not if I kill you first" I Growled and stormed out angrily getting into the car and driving to the Garrisons opening and slamming both the car door and the door to the Garrisons angrily storming up to the bar

(Tommy's pov)

"God save whomever pissed her off" ada mumbled to Liz, polly, Me and Arthur

"I'll kill whoever did it"Arthur said protectively

"I'll help hide the body"I smirked as the girls rolled their eyes


Hiiiiii how are you lovely's
Did you eat and drink something?
If so good girl :)
If you didn't, Eat something!!!!
Your beautiful and don't ever let anyone tell you any different okay?
Good, have a great rest of your day/ night/afternoon/evening/or morning

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