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(Avyanna's pov)(tw: slapping)

Polly cuddled up to me and smiled

"Goodnight luv"

"Goodnight Pollyanna"I sighed wrapping a arm around the older woman

(Time skip)

The next morning

I woke up beside Polly except this time she was naked...

She slowly opened her eyes

"Morning avyanna....wait what the Hell are you doing in my bed!!! Why and I naked?!?!"she yelled

"Calm down bloody hell it's to early for this.... you got drunk last night and made me sleep with you"I huffed

"That doesn't explain why I'm fooking naked!!"she yelled

"Oh so you don't remember waking up in the middle of the night saying it's to bloody hot in here, then continued to strip off all your clothes and hog the bed" I smirked

"I didn't do that.....did I?"she huffed

"Anyway tell anyone and I'll cut you"she glared

"Wouldn't dream of it"I rolled my eyes and stood up

"Anyway good morning Polly"I said then walked out of her room and into my own and change before walking downstairs and start making breakfast

Eggs, sausage, bacon, Pancakes, waffles, strawberry and whipped cream sat on the table when Polly finally walked downstairs

"What's this?"

"Breakfast?" I giggled


"Why what?"

"Why'd you make me breakfast?"

"Because your probably hung over and tired still so sit down and eat" I answered and smiled softly

(Time skip)
Later picking up Michael
Get ready for drama loves ;)

Polly and I drove to pick up Micheal why was I there....? No idea did I want to be there ....? Hell no. Because God knew if Micheal said one wrong thing I'd slap him I'm still pissed off he wasn't here for Pollys birthday

"Hey Michael" I tried to smile while Polly was leaning against her car in her gray suit

"Hello mum hello avyanna"he nodded at us

"Where were you?"I asked


"Why so secretive"

"Why so nosy" he growled

"Why such a prick"

"Why such a bitch"

"Why weren't you here Michael"

"For what"

"Your Mother's Fooking birthday that's what, she's the one woman In your life that actually cares and always will" I growled

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now