Our peaky girl

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(Avyanna's Pov) (tw: violence and guns, murder,blood, slight smut ;)

It's been about a month since I became a peaky blinders, I haven't had any really bad experiences so far, right now me and the boys were sitting in the Garrisons when a gun shot rang out.

"Is there any man here Named Shelby!" A man shouted tommy stood up along with art and john me following in suit

"Ay"Arthur called and he looked at him

"Everyone out"tommy said and everyone in the Garrison left expect me Arthur tommy john and the weird ass looking man

"Which one of you is the boss"he asked

"Well I'm the oldest"arthur said

"Ha clearly"the man scoffed

"Are you making fun of my brotha"john glared and a flick of fear flashed in the man's eyes before it disappeared

"Right.... he's the oldest, your the thickest, I'm told the boss is named tommy and I'm guessing that's you. cause your looking me up and down like I'm a Fucking tart"

"I want to know what you want"Tommy said calmly per-usual

"Alright, But what's up with the whore?" He asked eyeing me

"She's not a whore"Arthur glared

"She's a whore they all are!"he growled
And I punched the hell out of him

"Whore Am I?"I spat angrily pulling his hair back so his eyes met mine

"Avyanna!"tommy said in a warning tone, I rolled my eyes and let go of kimber with a shove as he spat out blood at me getting it on my shirt and alittle on my face

"Thomas!" I said warningly back after kimber spat on me

"Arthur John if you would"he said and arthur punched kimber while john spoke

"No One disrespects our Peaky girl"john growled then shot him blood splattering everywhere

"Peaky girl huh?" I raised an eyebrow ask arthur adjusted my hat and wiped the blood off my face

"That's right kid" he chuckled and smiled, and I rolled my eyes with a smile

"Good to know"I smiled

"Pollys gonna flip her shit when she sees the blood"john chuckled looking at my shirt

"Polly will never find out"I shrugged while the boys smirked looking behind me

"Polly will never find out what?"a Stern voice from behind me

"Nothing"I squeaked

"Turn around" she rolled her eyes

"Fine"I said and turned around

"If that's your blood I'm gonna to kill you avyanna"polly said walking over to me worry in her eyes

"It's not mine"

"Are you sure"

"What kinda question is that of course I'm sure"

"Don't get attitude with me young woman"

"Don't get attitude with me young woman" I mocked

"You two really should shut up and fuck already"Tommy scoffed pinching the bridge of his nose, while I turned a bright red.

"Shut up"

"Shut up"

Polly and I said at the same time making us look over at each other and laugh alittle

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now