I'm not jealous

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(Avyanna's pov) (mentions of, spanking ;) and
Hair pulling and mommy kink.)

I woke up just laid in bed thinking about everything that happened last night.

After a long while, I got up and put on black trousers and a white button up, Then placed my gun on the back on my waistband. Pulling a blazer over top to hide it.

Then I put on my heels, walking into the bathroom brushing my teeth then walking down the stairs.

"father what are you doing here?" I asked coldly looking at the man on the couch with Polly.

"now now, avyanna, is that anyway to talk to the man who raised you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Polly why'd you let him in?" I raised an eyebrow.

"He needed to speak to you about something, darling." She answer.

"Darling?" My father question.

"Yeah dad, people call people darling. Get over it."

"I didn't know I raised such a brat."

"She's not a brat aberama."

"It's fine pol. What did you want father."

"You know what I want, you have until the 20th." He said before standing up.

"It was nice talking to you Elisabeth." He nodded to her.

"It's Polly to you, father nobody calls her Elisabeth. And especially you will not be calling her Elisabeth." I said and Walked him to the door.

"I'm not playing around avyanna, You have a week and a half, I suggest you get packing and say bye bye to your little friends" he whispered.

"Goodbye father." I said, pushing him out the door, slamming it in his face.

"Avyanna, what was that about?" Polly asked calmly.

"Me and dad aren't getting along right now." I shrugged
"Wanna talk about it?"

"No, there's nothing to talk about.." I shrugged and Polly walked over and hugged me softly.

"alright, I'm here if you need to talk." She said and kissed my head.

"Thank you Polly."

"You're welcome, darling." She spoke softly as I nuzzled my face into her neck.

She caressed my hair softly holding me in her warm comforting embrace.

Later that evening

All of us were in the Garrison, I was sitting with Arthur, tommy and john while polly was talking to some random guy.

"Avy what did that glass ever do to you, for you to try and strangle it to death?" John chuckled looking between my hand that was gripping the glass so tight my knuckles were turning white, then his eyes followed mine over to Polly and the guy.

"Ohhhhh, Your jealous."

"I don't get jealous."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Tommy chuckled.

"oh fook off" I scoffed.

"Ooo he's touching her hair." Tommy Smirked, as my blood began to boil, why? I had no idea.

"He's whisper in her ear, she's blushing and-" I stood up and stormed out of the Garrisons.

"Nice going john." Tommy said sarcasticly.

"She's so jealous it's funny though." John chuckled.

"Her and Polly are more alike then either of them are willing to admit." Arthur chuckled.

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now