Train to hell

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Avyanna's pov

"Father Birmingham of all places that place is bloody horrible" I scoffed

"Avy, we're going like it or not" dad said pinching the bridge of his nose

"Fine" I grumbled

"Go pack"


"Stop saying fine" he grumbled

"Fine" I huffed before laughing and running upstairs while Dad shook his head

I packed all my things I needed and put my gun on my belt on the back then putting on a jacket to hide the weapon like my father taught me

"Dad what time are we leaving?!" I Yelled from upstairs

"In a hour!" He shouted back from downstairs

"Okay!" I answered

(Time skip)
An hour later

"Come on avy" dad said having to practically drag me out of the house
As started we started walking towards the train station a couple men cat called me earning a warning glare from me and my father

Dad bought the tickets and we got on the train to hell.

(Another time skip)
In Birmingham

"Come on avy there's no purpose for you to try and stay on a train you'll end up further them we already are" dad scoffed and I rolled my eyes dad grabbed my luggage but I snatched it

"I don't need or want a man carrying my things I'm perfectly capable on my own" I growled

"Jeez avyanna we've talked about this, I'm your father not a random man. I'm here to treat you as a princess" he scoffed

"Yes father we have talked about this, and if you recall I said: I'd prefer to be treated as a warrior then a princess"I said stepping out of the train carriage

"Right" he rolled his eyes as he also stepped out of the carriage and onto the platform

We walked to a hotel 10 minutes south of the train station me andy father had to separate rooms mine across the main hall from his

"Avy, I'm going to the Garrisons, would you like to accompany me?" My father asked

"Sure" I answered walking out of my room 304 dad's was 303

We walked down the cobblestone path into the Garrisons dad Walked in first then me I went straight to the bar

"Whiskey on ice please"I said to the bartender

"Sure ma'am" he nodded and fixed my drink handing it to me then a man popped up beside me

"Bottle of rum please" he said

"You look unfamiliar what's your name" the man asked me while the bartender looked for the rum

"I don't give my name out freely" I said not looking at the man as I took a swig of my whiskey

"I'm Arthur Shelby" he said and I almost choked on my drink he's one of the Shelby brother my father's here to talk too

"Pleasure" I mumbled

"I still don't get your name huh?"

"No"I scoffed as the bartender handed him his bottle and the man now known as Arthur chuckled

"Feisty little thing you are" he chuckled

"It was nice meeting you kid" he said then walked in a back room


Heyyyyyyyy lovely's

So this story isn't really following the plot of the series at least for now

I don't own any of the characters except avyanna.

Have a great night and be a good girl ;)

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