You've began to feel like home

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(Avyanna's pov)

I walked into the betting shop and sat down working on a few papers when Esme walked in.

"Avy, Polly wants you to go to her study" she smiled and winked.

I stood up and walked to Polly's study

"Hey pollyanna what did you need?" I asked once I reached her study

"Sit" she pointed to a seat Infront of her desk

"I'm good thanks" I answered


"No I'm not a dog"I hissed

"Remember what I said yesterday luv?"she glared

"Yeah I remember, I just don't believe you'd actually do it"I Glared back

"Don't press your luck, darling. Sit down now, before you get into trouble" she smirked and I rolled my eyes

"No polly, I don't need to sit down for you to tell me what you need"I huffed
And her smirk fell

"Avyanna sit the fook down"she Growled

"No"I hissed

"Fine have it your way" she stood up and Walked over to her door locking it

She strolled over to me pushing me into the chair she had told me to sit in, before bending over her hands resting on the chair arms her face inches from mine

"Was that so hard?"she raised a eyebrow, I shook my head

"Use your words"

"No ma'am"

"Good girl"

"It seems your all stubborn and hard-headed until I'm standing inches from you and make you do what I say. If I didn't know any better I'd say you enjoy me putting you in your place"she smirked

"Now are you going to listen to me or do you need that spanking?"she raised a eyebrow again

"I'll listen"I mumbled

"Good girl" she smirked and stood up straight

"Now I was going to ask if you felt like going out for dinner tonight"she smiled unlocked the door

"But...since you were a bad girl I don't think you deserve it so go back to work, Now and Don't make me say it twice, or else you might not like what happens next, or maybe you would" she said and opened the door while I left quickly as red as a tomato

(Polly gray's Pov)

I laughed after she left.

That girl will be the death of me (😭)

I finished my work when Esme walked in

"What'd you do, Avyanna's as red as a tomato and keeps zoning out"she laughed and I Smirked

"Nothing really"I shrugged

"Right" she nodded with a smirk

"Have a good night Polly"she smiled and left

"Have a good night es"I sighed and stood up putting on my jacket before leaving my study


No response




Still nothing

"Darling!"I slammed my hands on her desk making her jump and fall off her chair

"Bloody hell Polly, don't do that!"she screeched as I laughed

"Get up I'll take you home" I smiled and helped her up and we walked out and got into the car she drove us home we made small talk about little things

"whiskey?" She asked after we got comfortable in the house

"Please" she disappeared and returned with two glasses of whiskey

"Thanks luv"I smiled

"No problem"she smiled back and sat beside me on the couch

"You know.... I lied, I don't think I could ever leave this place"she mumbled

"Oh? What changed your mind?"

"Oh nothing really, just the thought of not seeing Elisa, Finn, tommy, Arthur John, Liz, ada, Esme,You"

"Oh I'm on the list now, huh?"I Smiled

"You Never Weren't"she mumbled under her breath

"What was that?" I asked not hearing her fully

"I said Yeah now your on the list" she smiled

"Good to know" I laughed taking a swing of my drink

She stood up walking to the recorder player Playing it.

The song was sweet and sad romantic.

(This Love by Camila Cabello)

She hummed the song sitting her empty glass on the table pulling me up by my hands

"What are you doing?"I asked with a smile

"Dancing with you"she smiled twirling my around

"We're dancing in my living room" I laughed

"And there I go and fall again"I sang the lyrics quietly, twirling her around.

"You know, polly. You have a beautiful voice" she smiled and spun me around and back into her arms our dance slowed her arms around my waist and mine on her shoulders

"Oh hush"I laughed

(Next song, look after you by The fray)

"You've began to feel like home"she sang while smiling

(Then sparks by Coldplay)

"And I promise you this, I'll always look out for you, yeah that's what I'll do....." We sang in sync it sounded almost as though it were meant to be, Maybe it was.

"So perfect"I mumbled under my breath staring into her bright blue eyes that sparkled from the fireplace

"What?" She asked

"I said This song it so perfect"I smiled

"Yeah I saw sparks" She sang along

"Yeah I saw sparks" I sing the next lyric

"Yeah I saw sparks"then we sang it together

Then the song ended I looked at the clock it was 10:59 one minute to Eleven

"You should get some sleep darling"I smiled and let her go

"Your probably right" she smiled and also released me from her soft hold

"Good Night pollyanna"

"Good Night My Darling"

With that she extended up the stairs and into the bathroom to do her normal night routine while I washed out glasses unable to get her sparkling blue eyes and soft relaxed features out of my head.

(Avyanna's pov)

She's to perfect...her dark eyes could kill me but make me feel alive when I look into them, her smile could make and break me the second she smiles I feel happy and comfortable but if it falls I could cry especially if it were to ever be my fault it fell. her laugh is like a melody to perfect, You know they say there's always room for perfection but not with her she's reached the peek of perfection and Nothing could change my mind.

I finished brushing my teeth then my hair before walking to my bedroom smiling as I heard Polly singing in the kitchen downstairs.


Yeah yeah it's a bunch of romantic bs I'm sorry sighs but I'm not wrong she was so perfect r.i.p Helen McCrory a truly missed woman, by her family friends and fans.

Anyway I'd recommend listening to the YouTube playlist

Shifting subliminals 8d audio by scarlet subliminals, don't question my weirdness lol hehe......sighs

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now