Make Me

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(Polly gray's Pov) (tw:mentions of blood, guns, threatening)

She would actually leave?
She's been here for at least a month and a half and she would leave without second thought if she could!

It's obviously my entire family adore her, hell they trust her, and trust in this family is rare to find. Real trust.

Tommy john and Arthur Are literally willing to kill for her.
Finn love's her more then us all combined from what I can tell.
Esme, Lizzie and ada make sure she's included in everything other than family meetings.
And Elisa loves her more then the world she only let's Esme john and avyanna hold her without screaming on the top of her little lungs.

And I... I care about her alittle more than I should...

I meet how hard is it to tell I love her...No I don't love her....Do I?

The car ride home was quietly we didn't even bicker like we usually did nothing but silents a deadly silence, because no words could be found to speak.

When we got home I was the first out of the car then avyanna followed


"Yes avyanna"I answered after we walked into the house

"Are you mad at me?"she mumbled

"About what?"

"Oh I don't know, Anything"

"No I'm not mad at you"

Yes I'm fooking pissed at you!!

"Okay"she mumbled as I poured whiskey into two Glasses sitting beside her handing her a glass watching her twirl the drink around in the glass

I stood up after a few minutes

"I'm going to bed"I grabbed the bottle of whiskey bringing it and the glass upstairs with me

(Avyanna's pov)

Why can I not fool everything up just for once everything was fine now it's not, why? I don't know!!

I huffed and walked upstairs to my room flopping onto my bed with a sigh.

I let my thoughts run wild before going to bed for the night, falling into a dreamless sleep.

(Time skip)
The next morning

I woke up to polly shouting downstairs

"I told them....not to...blow that bloody horn, this is a respectable Neighborhood!!!"

I laughed into my pillow before standing up and putting on a black suit hiding my gun on the back of the waistband then putting a blazer over top to hide it better.

I then walked downstairs to polly grumbling at Arthur John and Tommy

"I'm going out Bye love's"I winked before walking out of the house

(Arthur's pov)

"You know, pol. Avyanna's the kinda woman that when she wakes up and puts her little feet on the ground even the devil says, Fook it's awoken"John nudged polly while tommy chuckled me do the same

"Then of course Your not far behind"he joked again

"Oh shut up"she hissed

"Good God, how pissed in your cereal this morning pol?"I Joked with a smile

"I'm not in the mood today"I scoffed lighting a cigarette with the light she got me for my birthday

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now