don't leave me...

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(Polly's pov.)

It have been five hours, and she had multiple stitches, she was so pale and lifeless, and it was scaring me...

I loved avyanna, More than words could describe, and the thought of losing her was killing me.

"Polly, I understand you're worried, we all are, but stop pacing..." Thomas sighed.

"Don't start.." I scoffed.

"Polly, he's right.." arthur stated, standing up.

After a few minutes a doctor walked out.

"How is she?" I asked.

"She'll survive, but those wounds will take awhile to heal, mental wounds as well. She should stay the night, and possibly tomorrow, after that I'd keep a close eye on her and make sure the stitches heal." He answered calmly.

"One of you may go see her, but refrain from overwhelming her." He added, as tommy and arthur gave me a nod.

I followed the doctor into a room, my eyes immediately landing on avyanna whom was as pale as paper even her beautiful eyes lost some of their colors and it broke my heart.

"I'll leave you two.." the doctor spoke before walking out, leaving me and avy In the room.

"Darling...why..?" I whispered stepping closer, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry..."she looked down.

"Are you sorry you tried? Or that you survived...?" I muttered, watching the Wheels turn in her head as she stared at her hands, already knowing her answer.

"I..." She started but her mouth closed before she finished her sentence.

(Avyanna's pov)

I couldn't answer that question, I was sorry I survived, But the look in her eyes made me sorry for trying, her beautiful brown eyes were blood-shot and puffy, and I hurt more than all the pain I felt physically.

"Don't you ever do it again, I need you avy..." Polly spoke in her stern tone.

"No you don't..." I whispered.

"Yes I do, avyanna. I thought I'd lost you and it damn near killed me! Don't you dare say I don't need you." She's stated sharply, raising her voice slightly. although I could tell the sharpness was simply her way of hiding her own pain.

"Polly..." I trailed off.

"Avyanna, why?" She Asked, her eyes holding confusion and anguish.

"I...I..." I didn't know how to explain, the words on the tip of my tongue yet would roll off.

"What about Finn, and Elisa...and Esme and...and Lizzie...What about me... I love you avy..." She spoke her voice cracking, the usual strong and independent woman fading away into someone more... vulnerable?

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

"Avyanna, what were you thinking...?"

"One less burden?" I muttered.

"Avyanna, You are not a burden! Everyone here loves you, we'd be broken if you died!" She stated firmly, as her eyes seemed to glisten with tears.

"No... don't.. don't cry, if you cry I'll cry..." I pulled her into a hug,

"I'm so sorry..." I repeated, as she clung to me as if I'd disappear if she let go.

"Stop saying sorry..." She whispered.

"I just want to know, don't have to tell me now...but I'm hear to listen, darling. No matter what you're going through, don't resort to killing yourself." She spoke firmly again, looking me dead in the eyes.

(Time skip)

It had been a couple of days and now I was home, when I walked into with polly I was instantly enveloped in a hug by Finn.

"I missed you! Where had you been?" He Smiled cheerfully.

"I missed you too, I've been...with family... for a bit that's all." I forced a smile ruffling his hair.

"Really? Next time take me with you."
He giggled, as esme approached with Elisa.

"This little one has also missed her,  godmother." She smiled softly placing the baby in my arms.

"Hello little angel." I smiled softly, as she looked up at me with her big blue eyes.

(Polly's pov)

I watched carefully as avy held Elisa, making sure she was already and Elisa.

Finn was overjoyed she was back, I was glad avy hadn't told him, she knew it was for the best.

"Darling, you should go lay down, the doctor said lots of rest." I said after Finn was out of ear shot.

"Polly, I'm fine. I just got out of a bloody bed, I don't feel like going and laying in another." She spoke calmly.

"Then go sit on the couch, She's right avy, You need rest." Esme replied calmly.

"Please." I asked, Making her sigh but nod.

"Good girl." I Smiled, as a light pink hue spread across her cheeks.

She went and sat down, elisa still in her arms now sleeping peacefully.

"How the hell did she get her to sleep!' Esme Huffed.

"Shhhh! You'll wake her if you keep yelling." I Smirked, earning a glare from Esme.

After a while past ada had came in and was talking to avy as me and esme cooked.

(Adas pov)

I walked into Polly and avyannas house instantly enveloping avy In a tight hug, she had me so worried.

And honestly the whole pregnancy was freaking me out enough, I was a mini meter from a fucking metal break down, but I was thrilled that she was okay.

"What were you thinking!' I asked shaking her lightly before hugging her tightly again.

"Ada...i...can't.. breath...' she spoke dramatically making me loosen my grip as she added a dramatic gasp.

"You're ridiculous..." I huffed.

"No I'm Kiera, but I'm sure ridiculous is around here somewhere." She smirked and I Rolled my eyes.


Hi! Sorry this low-key sucks and it's short, but I'm tired, I'm running on three hours of sleep and I had to go to physical therapy today which was fun, not. But whatever tbh.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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