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(Avyanna's pov)
"Polly come on"john said as he practically drug her out of the house with the help of tommy and arthur.
Once Polly and the boys were gone I let out a laugh which made ada then Liz then Esme and Finn laugh

"She's so stubborn" I laughed

"She always has been"ada laughed

"So what'd you get her?" Liz asked

"The jewelry she's had a eyes on and some..... flowers"I answered

"Oooooo.... Should I start calling you aunt avy?" Ada joked and I hit her arm

"Shut up, I don't like her that way"I laughed

"Right...."Esme smirked

"Anyway.... Ada Your on decorations, Liz your in here with me cooking finn sit still from a second please until I need you I know the perfect job for you when I'm done with it... And Esme darling sit down and behave I don't want you to hit your stomach on anything"I smiled as they all started doing as I said all well except Esme

"I will not sit still amd look pretty"Esme glared

"Fine help ada, but Essie careful"I sighed and she smiled and nodded

"Okay ready?"I smiled turning to Liz

"Let's do this"she Smiled

She started on the cake and I started on the main course.

I chopped up chicken then threw it into a pot of water then started on making my home made sause for chicken and rice then helped Liz with the cake pouring it into a pan then slid in into the oven

"Finn!"I called and he came running

"Yes!"he grinned

"Lick the cake batter it'll help a bunch"I smiled

"Yayyyyyyyyyyy" he said and immediately took the bowl and a spoon

I walked into the living room seeing several balloons and Happy birthday things with a bunch of Confetti

"Looks good Ladies"I grinned

"You know av, for someone that doesn't like Polly your doing alot for her birthday, Your rushing around like a mad woman making sure everythings perfect, you literally checked to make sure the chairs looked right....the chairs of all things" Esme said crossing her arms

"What I'm a neat freak"I grumbled

"Keep telling yourself that Avy"ada laughed and I rolled my eyes and walked back into the kitchen starting to cook the rice then drained the chicken letting it cool alittle while the rice cook and I peeled potatoes then boiled them and then cut up carrots and other veggies then cooked them. After the potatoes were done I mashed them and then took out the Cake while Liz cleaned up after us while I started icing the cake in red icing using a darker red to write

Happy birthday aunt Polly

Just in time from ada to run in telling us the boys and Polly were back

I put candles on the cake and then lit them turning off the lights just in time for Polly to Walk in

"Pol no no no don't you dare walk in there....."


"Nevermind"arthur chuckled

"Happy birthday Polly, now make a wish" I gave a small smile and held the cake up as she blew out all the candles and Liz turned all the lights back on

"Now come eat then you can open all your gift"Esme grinned as ada and liz pulled her into the kitchen making her sit down while I prepared plates polly then Esme the ada then Finn then tommy then Arthur and john then finally myself

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