it's okay I'm right here.... it's okay

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(Avyanna's Pov) (tw: mentions of death, Knife, gore, guns and night terrors)

I woke up to a loud scream coming from polly's room, I stood up and ran to her bedroom

"Polly! What's wrong?!?! Are you okay?!?!"I asked in a slight panic, she was sitting in her bed tears and sweat running down her face

"Hey Polly?"I stepped closer but her breath quickened so I stepped back

"Shhh it's alright it's just me pol, It's just me avyanna, luv. I won't hurt you"I said

"Can I come closer?"I asked

All I got was a subtle nod, but it was enough for me, I slowly and carefully stepped closer to her bed

"May I sit?" I asked and she nodded again and I sat beside her

"Are you okay luv?"I asked

"Ye....yeah I just had a nightmare it's both really"she mumbled almost to quickly for me to understand

"Wanna tell me what it was about?"I asked carefully switching on the lamp

" died, first some random guy Stabbed you then he shot you there was so much blood and then he shot you four more time random places and blood splattered ev.... everywhere"she sobbed

"Shhh it's okay luv, it was just a dream I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere"I said and gently pulled the older woman closer to my body playing with her hair

"I'm.... I'm sor.....sorry I woke you up, it all felt so...real I thought you were really dead"she said through sobs

"It's okay... I'm right here, it's okay." I said playing with her hair letting her cry into my chest.

After awhile her sobs subsided and her breathing slowed into a slower rythem

"Tell anyone about this and I will cut you"she mumbled and I laughed quietly



Even with puffy bloodshot eyes and sweat and tears rolling down her face she's still the more beautiful woman I'd ever seen

"I'll go back to my room now" I said about to stand up

"No! Please don't go ... I don't wanna be alone not right now at least.... please?"

"I'm not going anywhere then"I smiled and she cuddled into my chest laying her head on my breasts while I continued playing with her soft hair as she slowly feels asleep again me falling asleep soon after

(Time skip)
The next morning

I woke up to Polly getting out of bed

"Morning"I Smiled

"Morning"she said in a husky morning voice

"Are you feeling alright?"I asked

"I'm feeling better"she nodded

"Good" I smiled

"I'm going to get dressed I'll be downstairs in a minute" I said and stood up and walked to my bedroom putting on a dress and thigh high stockings with black heels that may or may not be Pollys... She'll never know

I walked downstairs

"Why are you wearing my shoes?" She said not even looking up from the newspaper

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now