Don't Touch Me

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(Avyanna's pov) *tw: Sexual harassment, attempt sexual assault, guns, knifes and blood, don't read it if any of the following trigger you darlings please I care about your mental, physical and emotional health so please don't read it if it may trigger you okay? Thank you Darling :)*

(Two days Later)

I sat in my hotel room reading the newspaper quietly then got up walking outside my heels making a small sound with each step I took

Then I heard a whistle come from my right I glared and turn a Alley way
Instantly being pushed against a brick wall

"Hello there beautiful" a very ugly man said

"Don'" I spat kneeing his crotch making him let me go and double over in pain

"You bloody whore, get on your knees and kiss it" he said jerking my head back by my hair trying to get me on my knees

"I would never get on my knees for a man" I said kicking him away and he pulled out a knife walking towards me

"Don't touch the woman" A man said pointing a gun at the vile Man

"What?!?! is she your bitch" the vile creature said

"No but she's not your's either and we don't touch women like that" the man said he looked familiar

"What will you do about it your won't use that gun" The other man said and in a swift message he grabbed my hair amd and pressed my back against his front. holding the knife to my neck and I swear my life flashed before my eyes as I heard a gun shot ring out and the bullet barely missed my head but the knife in the mans hand left a large line from my left collar-bone to my left shoulder as the man fell to the ground blood trickling from my deep wound coating my white blouse

"Are you alright" the man said walking over to me

"I'm bleeding of course I'm not okay" I scoffed and he chuckled that chuckle.... Then it all came back to me

"Arthur right?" I asked putting pressure on the burning wound

"Right." He answered

"Come on I'll walk you to Garrisons" he smiled

"I'm wounded and my once white shirt is almost completely blood stained red" I scoffed

"I know someone that can stitch it" he said

"Come on or I'll carry you" he threatened playfully

"Fine" I rolled my eyes

"Good"he said

"So now that I saved your life what's your name?" He said as we walked

"You didn't save my life I had everything under control until you showed up, but..... My name's avyanna"

"It's nice to meet you avyanna that's a very unique name" he smiled


"Your welcome" he said as we walked into the Garrisons pub

"Hey Tommy, john, aunt Pol" Arthur smiled after he led my to the back room he went into last time I seen him

"Hey Arthur"one of the men said

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now