I want to meet you

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kana's Point of view -

Few days ago

Its a rainy day I did saw in TV that weather will be bad today, i'll take umbrella with me.

ohh yes. It's time i should go to kanel's house so that we can go to school together. i get dressed and take a blue umbrella with some cute designs on it.

I go out of the house. but weather
have gotten worse, these raindrops are
Cold and heavy. and because of this rain its cold even in summer.

I reach Kanel's home, i ring the doorbell and Kanel's mom open the door. She says. that he's sick and he will not go school with a cold look.

in this neighbourhood everyone hated me I am like a curse for everyone in this. neighbourhood.

only because of kanel i was happy, he always treats me nice and he loves me but his mom and dad hates me for being so close to him.

I am like a curse the day i was born. I killed my mom and after few months  my dad died in a accident.

my Aunty and uncle are taking care of me but they also hates me l am like a burden to them.

and  my mother and father died because of me, everyone. thinks i am cursed even me, thats why everyone Hates me.

my life was all dark until i met kanel he  called me friend and cared for me he spend his time with me even through his parents always tell him to Stay away from me.

But he never listened to his parents. and he always played with me and even helped me when someone tried to bully me in school.

he was the Best Person for me in my life and I loved him more then anything. he was the only one whom i can trust and whom i can love.

on my way to school he was in my mind "Is he okay?" he is sick because me? Why is he sick because rain started today morning so how did he even get sick".

I wanted to meet him but it was not possible  because of his mom. She will never let me meet him specially when he's sick.

I texted him. I want to meet you" he replyed "I'll let you know to when my mother. will go out" after talking to him my heart was at peace even through I texted him at school time and he replyed at when i am going home. but he's sick thats why so i should not overthink.

I reached my home. "I changed my clothes. and i took a shower and then i changed my clothes, I started studying for tests those tests were next week. but in the end i could not study because he was in my mind all the time.

I lay down on bed and i didn't realise when I fall asleep.

next day was also a normal day I wake up,  started to get dressed for school and spend most of day in school, but
there was one thing diffrent, when I was going home  Kanel texted me that his mom is out for shopping and I can meet him.

after seeing his text i was so happy I get to his home as fast as i can he opended the door. and he had a mask on his face.

we talked alot and after 20 minutes i had to leave because his mom can come home

I leave his home and entered my home and then i directly lay down on my bed ,I was happy that i met him but 20 mins was not enough for me.

i ate my dinner  and studied for few hours  and to went to sleep.

Aftenlr that i never get chance to met him, but after two days he came to school.

when he's not in school, I don't want to go to school that's why i woke up late that day but i some how made it In time and when i saw him class room I was so happy. i directly covered his eyes with my hands and asked him "tell me who i am" and he holded my hands with his and said its you Kana and he tured at my direction he saw me smiling and he also started to smile looking at me.

we spent alot of time in school and we ate our lunch together, i fed him with my hands and he did the same, today i was smiling whole day.

but these is a saying "when you laugh alot you will cry too."

when we were going home together. there was a thief coming out way running from other peeople Kanel tried to stop him but he shot him with his gun. Kanel fell on the ground, he was bleeding, after seeing him bleed i didn't even realise when tears started falling from my eyes.

No No No

you can't die please don't leave me, you'll stay with me right?
Please stay with me. Please don't leave me
i am begging you. People called an ambulance and he was sent hospital. but he was already dead...

I was in hospital,  when his parents get know that Kanel is dead. His mom cried and after that came close to me and slapped me and started yelling at me  that i killed him. he died because i am cursed and i cursed him too

I guess she is right i am cursed because every one who cared for me died and I am all alone again. and if someort came close to me they will also die.

It was raining again and I left hospital. I was going home i forgot my umbrella at that place where kanel died.

I reached home and my uncle and aunty were waiting for me. First they yelled at me , and after that I was beated badly by my aunty.

they were mad at me because when every one get to know that kanel died because of me everyone in my neighbourhood. forced my uncle and aunty to move to another place with me.

Of course they dont want me  in this area
any more.

that night i cried in my bed for whole night.

Kanel why did you leave me. I'm lonely, I'm missing you. Please comeback.  I want to see you, I want be to be with you please come back, or have you already forgetton about me, are happy without me? Are you happy in heaven without me?

i am not happy, I want to see you, how can i see you? if i also die will be able to see you? even if there is 1% Chance i will try it.

Kanel i am coming to you, kanel i am coming to you, Kanel I am coming to you.....

Kana stabbed herself with knife multiple times and then jumped from window.

Kana loved kanel till her last breath and to meet him, she even killed herself.

Because of all the depression and sadness
She KILLED herself.

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