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Chapter - 4

when i throw the fireball. I started to collapse and in seconds i lost consciousness.

And than I saw a garden this garden was not like the one we have it's different,
And i think i've seen this garden before this garden have a small playground for kids in the middle on other areas old people can relax or exercise.

This Pattern it's like garden of my old world garden of earth
Wait am i back to earth again??
i died again?

But i... can't see my body or my bodyparts, I can't even feel them what is happening to me i can only see straight. I can't control my body it's like i don't even have a body i only have eyes to see what is this place and what is happening.

Wait there is a kid here but no one was here a moment ago.

It's a little girl
She's playing with sand she's smiling and she looks happy.
Another kid is going there and he started to play there and after some time they start to play together both are laughing and happy.

I think i've seen these kids somewhere but where.
Wait wait it's me and kana
And this garden yes we used to play here together. It feels nostalgic but why i am seeing this.

After few minutes a women comes there and slaps little kana and than they both go out of garden.

If I remember correctly she's her aunty.
Yes her aunty always hits her.....

Little kanel was in shock and after few minutes another woman comes and she takes kanel home and she's my mother.

I remember after this my mom yelled at me and tell me to stay away from kana but i never listened to her.

And after that i start to hear weird noises
And in few minutes my eyes starts to open and i see that i'm in my room and it was all a dream.

A dream of my past life from my memory but why.

After that i see that some maids are cleaning my room and that's why i was hearing weird noises in my dream.

And after seeing me awake one maid runs out of room and after few minutes my father comes back with her first he cheaks my body and after that he order maids to go out and clean other rooms.

So first my father started yelling at me that why i was using magic without even knowing anything about it. Magic can kill me and he was yelling at me like a normal parent that I was so worried and more things anyways who cares about it.

After that my father started to say something serious he told me everything about magic.
I knew most of the things but there were so many things that i didn't knew and it was serious like.

There are 4 important things to keep human body alive in this world food, oxygen,water like my old world but also magic.
And small kids like me shouldn't use magic because kids have less amount of mana so if they use magic they can die because of lack of mana.

And same happened with me i used too much mana on that fireball and the moment fireball left my body all of mana was gone and i would've died if my father was not watching me from the window.

And after that he said something that made me happy.

He said that my mana level is high for a 2 year old child and that's why i was able to use a B rank magic and even in B rank it is top level. Like i can defeat any B rank Adventurer with this magic spell. And for a 2 year old child it's way too powerful because mana grows with age.
So i am a genius
2 year old genius kid.

But there is a another way to increase mana level and it's to use mana on daily basis

And my father said that he will teach me how to use magic efficiently so that i will use mana according to my mana level.

And in training by mistake if i again use all of my mana than my father will save me by giving me some of his mana like he did before to save me.

He's not telling me but i can guess that he wants to make me youngest A rank or S rank Adventurer.

And like that my training got started

At first my father was just making me do  meditation to increase my mana level and when  my mana level was high enough he started teaching me elements and it was so easy like even before birth it's decided which elements that person will be able to use and to find out which elements you can use you have to meditate and unlock those elements.
Just like unlocking different skills in games.
And after unlocking them
My father was teaching me how to control elements without hurting myself.

and slowly slowly i was learning different elements and i was able to control my mana even more efficiently and in just 6 months i was able to reach Rank A.

At Rank A
I was able to use 3 elements and it's already way too good because there are only few adventurers in the whole world who can use multiple elements at Rank A.

And i was using
Hydro elements

But when i reached Rank A
My training got even harder


After Rank A

My whole day was busy

After waking up i have to bath and change my clothes after that i have to meditate till lunch time.

And after that i will eat my lunch and than
I have to fight my father with magic till dinner time and than after eating dinner i'll sleep.

I always get injured while fighting my father because he never holds back again a 2 year old kid. and than my mother use  hydro healing magic to heal me she's a      S rank Adventurer so her magic is super strong.

With this hard training in just 9 more months

I reached S rank

And because of my meditation
I realised that i can use even more elements and now i can use

and my mana level so high that i can fight my father for whole day without reaching my mana limit

And than because i reached S rank
My father organised a party and all big and important people in the town came in this party
Including all members of other 2 novel family.

(There are 3 novel family in this town including my family)

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