New world

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New World

I am one year old now so much have happened in one year.

1st this is a diffrent world its not earth, this world works on magic everything is done by magic even easy tasks.

And in this world no-one celebrates birthday i don't know reason yet.

to use magic you have to learn a skill called "Mana Control" normally people. learn this skill at the age of 10 to learn this skill you have to control mana in your body and with that you can use magic.

for example if i want to use magic to shoot a fire ball, i'll just control mana and let mana flow in my hands after that i'll imagine a fire ball and its Complete Sounds easy but mana control is hard. its easy after you learn it.

This word also have some elements like

And average adventurer can only learn to use one element but adventurers who are s rank or more higher rank can use 2 or more elements.

I am born in a Noble family in this world you just need to be a SSS rank Adventurer to become noble. my father is a SSS rank Adventure he is good with spear and fire and wind elements.
My mother is a S rank magician with hydro and ice elements.

And for names my name is Aaron in this world there is nothing as Surname or family name.

If you are a noble than there will be a official noble family sign on your clothes every family have diffrent Signs as for my family its a eagle with some cool designs.

Name of my father is baron and for mother her name is lilia
I am born in a good family and a good life awaits me. but still i miss kana....

When I first learn about magic I wanted to do it but the mana is less in small kids specially in new born babies when they grow up their mana level also increases.

Mana is also something that genetics decides my mother and father both are great in magic so I also probably have good amount of mana even in small age
But I still waited and started to learn mana control when i turned one year old.

This skill "mana control"  needs lots of focus.

this why it takes time for kids to learn it because they are bad at focusing but its diffrent for me.. in one month ive started feeling the movement of mana in my body

oh yes I forgot to mention i started talking when i was 3 months old and writing and reading when i was 6 months old

It's because i am technically 17 years old so my learning speed is fast.

so at this pace i'll be able to master this skill in one year or less it's actually so good.

learning mana control the age of 2 when for normal kids it takes ten years it's actually so good.

In just 6 months i can use magic not efficently but yes i can like if i try to use magic 10 times than i'll be successfull only 3 times.

I was learning this skill slowly because i know i can learn this under one year.

In 11 months i mastered this skill.
I really want to try using magic now but I can't use elements in my room so I have to go out for it but i am 2 years old so i can't do that too.

I have to no choice left I have to try it in my garden.

I slowly slowly go in the garden in night time and first I cheaked if someone is in garden and after cheaking I fixed my target and I decided to use fire element on a tree.

I started concentration but i didn't realise that my father was seeing me from the window and after few moments a big fire ball was in my hands and than i aimed at that tree and launch the fire ball and just after that I felt so weak and I collapsed on spot and got unconscious.

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