Royal Family

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Chapter - 5
Royal family

There was a rumour going around in the Aspen town that the boy of the Noble can use mana in the age of 4.
Everyone believed that this rumour is fake because it have never happened in the whole world a kid that is 4 year old and can use mana.

Party was in 2 days and i was quite excited because i've never seen noble parties.

Someone knocked on my door
" Young master , master wants to see you"

After hearing it
I immediately head to the room of father.
I knocked the door
"Father can i come in"

I opened the door and closed the door after coming in,
Father was sitting on his chair and with his eyes he tell me to sit on the other chair.
I silently sat on the chair

"Party is in 2 days and the occasion of party is that you are able to manipulate mana at the age of 4 and also never tell anyone that you're S rank " father said

"But i thought you organised party because i am S rank now i am able to manipulate mana from the age of 2"  i said to my father

"Okay so listen with your open ears i won't say it twice it's important " my father said

I wasn't sure what's so important that he have to hide that i'm S rank now because he worked so hard for this and now he's hiding it, it is quite weird and that's not how my father do things.

My father started speaking
"So first 2 other Noble families were supposed to attend the party but now even the Royal family is also attending this party and this is the reason i am hiding it"

"King have a daughter she's your age but a king needs a son for his successor and if he finds out that you have the potential to become one of the strongest adventurer than he will adopt you and i don't want that"

"And if you're thinking mana manipulation is also a big thing for a 4 year old boy than you're right but a 4 year old boy can manipulate mana it's rare but yes but not as efficiently as you but like lighting a candle and other things they can do it with magic"

I was quite shocked after hearing it. Because it means that i will become the next king but my father doesn't want that why.

"You don't want me to become a king father?" I asked

"You don't know about it so let me explain how things work"

"King will retire in next 10 years and if king doesn't find a successor for the throne because 10 years of his retirement than a new royal family will be choosed"

"And for that all noble families will fight in a championship and the strongest family will become the royal family and i want our family to become the next royal family"

If i think about it
It does make sense because if i get adopted i'll become part of the current royal family and my father will always be a Noble
But i have potential to become the strongest and because of that our family can become a royal family.

"Yes father understood" I said

And after 2 days party began.

2 Noble family was coming and after few minutes
My father came to me and said
"follow me Royal family is here
Make sure to be on your knees when you see King"

"Understood father" I said

Royal family arrived
King and Queen were together and behind them a beautiful little girl same age as me

As father said i was on my knees

"No need for it little boy" King said

And after it
I saw that little girl again and
This girl i've seen her before
She's the same girl who was in my dream

She's .....KANA...

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