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Chapter - 6

At the border of Aspen town there is a big house that looks like a warehouse and so many peoples with weapons are going in them.

In the warehouse a rich looking guy is saying
"Today in night time 3 noble families and royal family will take part in the biggest party of this year and it's a perfect chance to do a assassination. Even if our all assassins get killed just to kill one noble it's our victory "
"Are you guys readyy we'll make sure to kill as many nobles as we can"

"Our stretegy is like this...."

At Baron household in party

(It's baron household because baron is the one who started this noble family and there is no family name so there is no other way to address a family)

Party is going smoothly everyone is enjoying their drinks and kids are talking to each other.

I should also talk to them but i just don't want to.

"Hey Aaron come to stage with me it's time to tell everyone why this party is organised" father said to me

"Yes father" I replied

And when my father finished his drink
He take me to stage and said
"Everyone it's my son Aaron and he is the reason for this party my son can manipulate mana at the age of 4"

While father was saying this
I noticed a light coming to our direction in the window

"Father look there is something" I said to father
And father looked at window and suddenly the look on his face changed
The look on his face was like a lion who's about to face hyenas.

My father yelled

after saying this my father jumped in air and he used mana to create a spear of fire in his hand


"Bright spearrr"

He throw his spear through that window and that spear destroyed that bright thing that was coming from the window and that spear hit a mountain and whole mountain exploded.

"Aaron take all the kids to a safe place in house and protect them at all costs" father said to me with a serious face

and i will not disappoint him

"Understood father"

I take all kids including kana with me to underground room and i took a sword with me for worst case.

At first floor where everyone was celebrating party

"Everyone who can fight get ready" baron said

All nobles get ready to fight

Everyone was thinking they're attacking from far away because they're scared to come close but there was a different case.

Enemy was attacking in 2 groups

To kill nobles, enemies need minimum S rank assassins
So they placed a their S rank mage assassins far away to distract and injured them.

Meanwhile group of combat type S rank assassins entered the house and they're ordered to kill everyone they see so they'll cheak every single room.

At underground room

Suddenly we started to hear footsteps of so many people kids got scared,
I tell them quietly to not make any noise.
But they will cheak every single room.
They tried to open the door but it was locked from inside and the only meaning of this is someone is inside.

It took them seconds to break the door and after seeing that there are only kids in this room one of them said

"There are only kids in this room two of you guys stay in this room and kill these kids and make sure to not leave a single one of them alive.

Two assassins stayed and i can see that they're S rank for sure but weakest in S rank i can beat them but two at a same time is a problem.

"So you damn brats who will like to get killed first"

After hearing this i got scared i forgot all my training and my legs started to to tremble in fear and than suddenly i see a girl running and jumping on the assassins punching one of the assassins and kicking other one and she yelled.

"I didn't knew you'll become a coward in this world KANEL"

after hearing this my body started to move on its on

"Thanks kana now leave these basterds to me"

I positions myself for a perfect angle and than

"Flame burst"

I used my sword to do a explosive attack so that i can injure them both

"So you brats can fight huh interesting"

One of them got injured and i don't think he can fight

But other guy dodged my attack

"Kanel lets do this together" Kana said

"But you probably can't use magic" I said to her

"You can use magic and i can't use ?? Don't underestimate me I'm from royal family you know" *blinks* kana said

"Okay than let's do this" I said

I started to prepare another fire magic
Meanwhile kana was using ice magic so i guess it's time to try it this special attack.

"Kana freeze him" I said

"Got it" kana said

Assassin started to move at a super high speed well he's assassin afterall
But i can counter these moves thanks to my dad's training

I rush on him so that i can slow his movements so that kana can aim on him

And i slowed his moments for a second and it was enough for kana

"Cryokinesis - Ice shot"

"I did it I freezed him Kanel" kana said

It's my turn

"Red meteorite"

I jumped on him and hit him at a super high speed with my highest power attack and because he was affected by ice so my fire did more damage on him
And whole underground floor got destroyed.

We didn't notice but all the kids were staring at us with their mouths open.
It was funny but now they know my true powers and if king will know this
he will adopt me
I'll become brother of kana
No I don't want that
I don't want that

Kana notice that my face is going down

"What's wrong??" She asks looking at me

I said "they all saw me fighting if king knows that i can fight a S rank assassin,
He will adopt me and i don't want to become your brother"

Kana laughs

"Heyy don't laugh at me"i said

"Haha I'm glad you haven't changed you're still my kanel" kana says this and pats my head

"Kana I want to ask you alot of things and talk about alot of things like why are you here did you die?? If yes than how and more" I said

"I'll tell you when we will meet again but for now my name is Alicia, you can call me allie and what about you Kanel what is your name"

So her name is Alicia

"My name is Aaron but when will we meet again??" I asked

"Don't worry my dear Aaron you'll meet your allie soon, very soon" allie said while smiling


"Don't be sad i also miss you alot Aaron it was painful but we met right!
so just wait a little longer and don't worry my father will not adopt you, you'll know reason soon" allie said.

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