battle Begins

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Chapter - 14

Battle Begins

Dark Knights hideout -

4 dark knights are sitting together

"Hey meluse how do you feel after losing tell me tell me"*laughs* one dark knight said to meluse

(There are only 4 dark knights because Charles got killed)

Suddenly head of dark knight looks at a wall
"Everyone they're attacking on us"

All dark knights takes their weapon

Head of dark knight says
"Meluse,Starly,Hargut , they're attacking from 3 different ways kill them all"

"And I'm going to do what docter said"

All three dark knight says

Baron Team -

Baron is walking inside, Lucas and Vincent are following him.

Suddenly baron sense a presence

"Everyone get ready for combat" baron yelled

"Bright Sun"

This attack made whole cave alot more brighter and now they can see who's in front of them

It's meluse

Everyone start to prepare attacks

"Vincent cover and Lucas support, I'm going in"

Vincent used his attack

"Metal Golem"

A golem of steel came out of ground and starts to attack meluse

Lucas use his wind attack to give more speed to baron

"Flame Bullet"

Baron attacks meluse and his body is on fire because of his speed
But elements doesn't work on meluse

Baron keeps attacking but it's no use

"Baron let me do this" Vincent said

Metal Golem was still trying to fight
And meluse is dodging

But why is he dodging
Elements doesn't work on him than why

Earth Magic

Earth have alot metals and different stuff
And with this magic
You can create anything
But after creating something
And giving it a life
It runs on your command not mana
And if it's not running on mana
Than its not element

"Metal Golems"
3 more Golems are coming out from ground

"Eternal Freeze"

Whole cave is frozen and metal Golems are faster because of ice
And meluse is struggling

"Dark Armor"
"Shadow domain"

Meluse gets a Armor and
Meluse created a domain inside cave and everyone is in it now

Shadow Domain

In dark domain meluse have speed and strength buff

Meluse starts to attack golems

"Dark Arrow"

He destroyed all Golems

Lucas attacks

"Wind Tornado"

And baron attacks

"Flame Strike"

"Flame burst"

"Pyro Dragon"

Flame Strike converts tornado into fire tornado

Flame burst hits meluse but it's useless

Pyro Dragon destroyed domain a little

"Everyone come out from this domain" baron said

Everyone runs to get out of the domain

"Shadow Domain cancel"

Domain starts to shrink and gets repaired

Domain is like room it's getting smaller and they'll be crushed

They try to destroy one side of domain again but this time domain is much stronger and it's not breaking

"I have no choice, guess it's my last battle" Baron said

"Mana Core - Flame"

(Mana core can't be used unless you're super strong like Mona but baron is not that strong, so he is using his life force to use mana core)

Baron breaks whole domain

And attacks meluse
His spear Pierce through meluse and he was not using elements it was a physical attack

Meluse starts to bleed and yells in pain

"Everyone attack him without elements" baron said

Vincent attacks him

"Hahaha I guess you leave me no choice"
Meluse said

"Mana Core - Dark"

Next chapter on Sunday

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