Element of life

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Chapter - 16
Element Of Life

Mana Core - Light

Baron's team -
Baron was dying slowly slowly and he knew it was the end of him
But he was satisfied
Because they atleast took down one dark knight.

Suddenly a bright light came in the whole cave and after few seconds everyone was healed and they felt like nothing actually happened, not a single scratch and all the strength and stamina was back.

Arthur's team -

Arthur was badly injured because of that blast and everyone else was also injured
But suddenly same bright light came and whole cave and everyone was healed

Cyno's team -

Cyno's body and head both were close to each other and he was dead.

Aaron looked at him and the moment he looked at him
His head reattached to his body and his heart started to beat again.

"So this is what the strongest element, element of life is capable of" Aaron said

Hargut was seeing all this
He didn't know what to do
Against a element that can even make a dead person alive again.

"You're still alive?" Aaron said to Hargut

"Well I think you should die"
Aaron didn't move a inch but harguts body was cut in thousands of pieces.

"I'll make this battle a little easier for everyone now"

Suddenly walls in the cave started to disappear and all of the cave was gone in seconds.

Everyone can see their hideout now because all the walls are gone and now suns up so everyone can see properly.
And now everyone groups up.

Arthur comes
"Baron you good?"

"Yea we defeated one dark knight but suddenly a bright light came and healed us all" baron replied

"Same happened with us too"Arthur said

"It was me who healed you all" Aaron said

Baron and Arthur saw Aaron

Aaron have white coloured horns on his head

"Let's go and finish this"Aaron said

"But Cyno why is he laying on the ground"Arthur said

"Ohh well it's a long story but I activated Light Element thanks to him, it's our only hope so let's do this" Aaron said

"Where are you going my friends" that mysterious man who attacked plantino Kingdom said
( Leader of dark knights)

"We were coming for you but I guess you made it easy for me"Aaron said

Aaron's takes out his double swords

Mysterious man also takes out his double daggers

And again Aaron didn't move an inch but mysterious man's injured

"Ohh you were able to block my attacks Impressive"Aaron said

"I didn't expect that someone with light element will come to fight me"
"So now let's see my darkness or your light which one is stronger"
"I leader of dark knight will defeat you now"


Hm something is different
He said darkness not dark
Other guy who waas fighting Cyno
Was using dark not darkness
Is it the same or something different?
Well who cares
Let's finish this


Aaron attacks and again it's not possible to even watch this fight with eyes
They're just way too fast for eyes to capture them

Dark knight leader - Dwade - Daggers

Aaron attacks Dwade but he dodges and counter attacks but it doesn't matter
Aaron can heal himself so fast that it doesn't even feel that he even scratched him

"I'll not make you wait for so long
I'll finish this with this attack" Dwade said


Darkness covered whole area it's swallowing everyone. And it's draining energy from everything
Even the energy from things like trees
,earth everything.

Including Aaron

Aaron starts to fly but darkness keeps following him.

"Darkness trying to compete with light?
What a joke"

Aaron points his sword to sky and suddenly all darkness started to go inside his sword
And than he points his sword towards Dwade


all the darkness that was inside his sword attacked Dwade but the darkness was converting into light slowly slowly
And it hit Dwade
And it destroyed his body from inside.

"Tell me why you destroyed those kingdoms" Aaron asked

"Haha I can't hide it anymore huh and even if I don't tell you , you'll know because of this light element"

"Docter was the one who started this he recruited me first and all other members were all like me ,we didn't had any elemental powers, we dont know why we were born this way in this world of magic but docter gave us a purpose in this world, he gave this element and we started all of this just for one purpose to get the Strongest element, but for that we needed energy enough to find sun kingdom so we started attacked kingdoms with Strongest fighers so that we can steal their powers, and this was the reason"
" You someone got this element, this is the element we were chasing our whole life and a kid like you got this element is just unfair so I couldn't control myself and came to fight even though I knew I'll die"
After saying this Dwade died

Arthur,baron and rest got unconscious because of that darkness attack

"So we won this war huh"Aaron said

Suddenly a spear comes and pierced through Aaron's heart

Aaron started to bleed

Aaron heaos himself and his mana core ends because
Cyno wasn't able to gave him much life force

"No you didn't won this war Aaron"

Aaron turned around and saw
It's allie but her eyes are black and aura is scary

"Aaron my love can you please die for me"Allie said

Next chapter on Sunday

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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