Time to end this

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Chapter -15

Baron team -

Whole cave got destroyed because of insane power up of meluse (mana core)

Meluse stands up
He's injured and says

"Damn it you basterds almost killed me but it's time to end this"

Baron and others got scattered in blast and they're all in different corners of cave.

Baron is still in mana core state so he's not that hurt but his power levels are decreasing now because he can't handle it anymore.

Baron thinks
*I don't have much time left I gotta do something or my sacrifice will go in vain*

Vincent stands up and says


whole cave starts to change
And cave is slowly converting into metal and golems are starting to come out of walls of cave
And in few seconds there are hundreds of golems.

Lucas use wind ability to make himself stand up.


locas's mana core starts to increase speed and damage of all allies including golems.

And wind is slowing meluse.
(Elements can't damage him but can't effect his speed and damage)

Baron is in shock
That everyone is using mana core
Even though they know
That if they use it for long time than they will all die.

Fights get started and meluse starts to destroy golems
His mana core state is super strong.

Because of the noise
Aloy who was unconscious because of blast wakes up and sees this crazy fight.

And after seeing that everyone is injured
he thinks
*I am a healer and still they're injured,I am so useless what am I supposed to do, I can't even heal them properly and even got unconscious in the battle*
*I want to useful*


Because of locas whole cave is full of wind and now aloy used his hydro mana core
So hydro and wind are coming together and with this hydro is healing everyone now and it's not letting meluse heal.

Baron says
"Everyone please stop it don't use mana core, you all will die at this rate"

Vincent says
"Baron if you lose we'll die anyway so let's defeat him even if it means we'll have to die for it and you used mana core first so you don't have any right to give is lecture"

Meluse is struggling because he already have few debuffs and golems keep increasing their numbers and because of healing. Golems keep regenerate themselves and new golems are coming out.

Baron was observing meluse and after 3 seconds

Mana Core - Flame Charge

"Vincent it's my final attack I'll probably die after this so please tell my son that I'm proud of him"

Baron's last move is insanely strong
All of his elemental power is used in his body to increase his physical power and speed.
Because of this
He can move faster than light

And goes close to meluse
And cuts his head without using elements

Meluse's head falls on the ground and after a second his body starts to fall.

Meluse's Pov -

All these golems are annoying
How am I supposed to beat them if they keeps regenerating and keeps coming out of those walls.
I need to kill this guy with earth element or I'll probably lose

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