A Mysterious Man

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Chapter - 7
A mysterious man

I defeated Two S rank assassins but in the fight whole underground floor got destroyed,
My attack was way too strong all because  that assassin was affected with Ice element.

But whole underground floor was destroyed so it was not a safe place so i decided take all the kids to a different room and i did that we safely reached armoury and i decided this room because it's a big room and this have alot of place to hide.

At 1st floor

Combat type assassins keep coming in the 1st floor there are more than 50 of them.

And all Nobles are fighting them there are four SSS rank fighters and 3 of them are leaders of their family and one is king himself.

And others are A or B rank so it's not a fair fight.

"Everyone who's not S rank stay back these assassins are strong" Baron said

"And someone get a spear it's hard to fight without a spear and it's draining my mana alot faster" Baron said

A low rank mage get some weapons for all High rank fighters.

Baron gets his spear and his movements and power level changed the moment he got his spear.

"Now it's over for you all,
You guys are fighting 4 Strongest fighters in this kingdom" King said

King was using a greatsword (claymore)
And he prepared  lighting magic
And started to move in a very fast speed
so fast that even eyes can't capture his movements.

He's using a super heavy greatsword and still able to maintain this speed no wonder he's the King of this kingdom

With his movements he was able to kill so many assassins.

Other mage type Noble prepared his wind spell

"Wind blast"

Almost 10 assassins got injured in wind spell

And than one fighter with a bow used a ice attack

"Ice Freeze"

Almost 20 assassins got completely frozen

And than my father used his attack
He was using fire element in his spear
And wind element in his other hand.
He combined both elements and the fire element became even powerful, Flames colour turned blue.

"Blue Serpent"

All assassins completely vanished without a trace.

And suddenly a voice came from window
It a guy in the mask and he had two daggers on his back.

"Not a single Noble died what a joke, these assassins are useless looks like i have to do this mission on my own" mysterious man said

"Everyone get ready to fight this guy is strong" King Arthur said (yes his name is Arthur)

Everyone started to prepare their strongest attack for that mysterious man

King Arthur - "Black Lighting"

Other Noble whose name is Lucas started to prepare his strongest spell

"Wind tornado"

And the other guy whose name is Curtis

"Eternal Freeze"

And Baron used

"Pyro Tornado"

They used all these attacks at the same time

Mysterious man used magic

His blackhole was so powerful that all attacks were pulled inside it.

"What the hell is that" King Arthur said

"I've never seen this kind of magic" Baron said

Mysterious man started to laugh

"Is that all you guys can do?? You guys are a joke hahahaha"
"Now than let me kill you al.."

Suddenly that window was exploaded and that mysterious man got injured

"What the.. what was that" King said

"Doesn't matter it's our only chance let's finish him" Baron said

Everyone use the same attacks to finish him

Mysterious man used magic and got vanished and all the attacks destroyed all the area nearby.
Everyone cheaked destroyed window and sees, Aaron and Alicia under the window and King says
"Did Alicia did that explosion but she doesn't know that powerful spells"

"No it was probably my son who did it" Baron said

After hearing them i said
"We did it together by combining ice and fire elements"

The king was so tired he was barely standing so he sat down and other Nobles too and Baron was the one who organised whole party so he started cheaking up on everyone including all the kids and me

And this is how this terrifying party ended

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