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Chapter 12

Spade Kingdom
A kingdom ruled by females
A kingdom where females are superior in everything.

Queen Victoria gave birth to three Beautiful girls.


Were the names of daughters

King was SSS Rank
And Queen Victoria was SSS+ Rank

So all daughters were strong.

Mona was the strongest and clorinde was always competitive so she always tried to show that she's better than her.

But Louis was mature from an early age
She was smart and Perfect a candidate to become the next queen.

Mona always knew that clorinde maybe weaker than her but she surpass her in battle IQ and fighting spirit.

Mona always faught with clorinde to learn something from her.

And clorinde was becoming stronger and stronger by fighting her.

Mona was SS Rank at the age of 12
And clorinde was S+ Rank at the age of 12

Always close to mona but always 1 step behind.

Louis was Barely S Rank.

At the Age of 16 Louis became the
Queen of Spade Kingdom

And clorinde and mona both were
SSS Rank
So both can start their own Noble Family but even if they didn't do that
They're still Nobles.

Mona and clorinde were never jealous of Louis but they were proud of her.

They knew that she can't protect this kingdom alone so they were always there to help her protect this kingdom.

But when Mona saw clorinde dying in front of her own eyes
She was in despair.

"Clorinde... She died?? She can't
No she can't die like that, clorinde you promised me that you'll surpass me than why didn't you do that"

"Clorinde you didn't die right???
It's a dream I'm just dreaming
There is no way someone other than me defeated her. There is no way"

Louis yelled
"Mona stand up and fight"

Yes louis is right
Even if it's not reality even if it's a dream.
I will avenge clorinde.

Clorinde... Clorinde

I will not hold back now

"Flame Rage"

Meluse was paralyzed and was unable to move but Charles came to rescue him
And the only way
To remove the paralyzed effect was to go far from mona or just kill her.

"You ugly bitch I'll kill you"

"Dark Armor"

"Haha now your stupid Mana pressure will not affect me and your elements are useless against me anyway" Charles said

"You talk alot you know"Mona says
And gives Charles a death stare

Louis was seeing all this but she can't just stand there and do nothing
So she prepared another spell.

"Snow Fall"

Snow started to fall but this snow was healing her allies and this can't heal enemies because elements don't work on them.

Charlotte who was almost dead started to heal
Her throat was returning to normal and she slowly slowly picked her fingers and placed them in her hand and they started to heal too.

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