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Chapter 10

King Arthur is in his office and he's looking panicked and thinking so hard and than suddenly someone knocks the door and King Arthur got scared for a moment

"W...wh...w who?"

"It's us father, Allie and Aaron"

I need to calm down
Calm down Arthur, you can't act like this in front of your daughter
Calm down

"Come in"

Both Allie and Aaron opens the door and comes in

"Have a seat and tell me what i can do for both of you"

"I'll ask this straight, what happened in yesterday's meeting"
"I want to know that if you can tell me of course "
Aaron said

"I see so you want to know"
"You are different from other kids and you're smart"
"But you need to give me a reason that why should i tell you what happened in yesterday's meeting"

He wants a reason but what reason should i give him, i need to think of a good reason

"I maybe able to help you somehow as you said i'm smart so i may able to help you"

"You are smart but i have more experienced and smart helpers so you need to give me a solid reason Aaron"

"Father please tell us we want to know please" Allie said

"It's not something kids should interfere in"
King said

"What if i know something about that mysterious man" Aaron said

King was shocked after hearing this
No he's lying it's impossible that he should know something about him that we don't
But at this time even a slight information can be useful.

"Okay than tell me what is that thing you know about him first" King said

"First promise me that you will tell me what happened in yesterday's meeting after hearing me"

"I will tell you if the information you give me is useful" King said

I guess i have to tell him about blackhole and what theory i have about his magical power

"Okay so he used a magic spell with the name of _Blackhole_ and black hole is a region where everything will be sucked inside it not even light can escape it, but that blackhole was made from magic so that blackhole was probably weaker and it was small too that's why it was only able to suck other magic elements and you probably don't know but when we attacked him he also used a spell to defend him that spell was also a black spell that blocked our magic but he was late so he got injured anyway "

"So he used one more spell and that spell was also able to defend him from other elements so it's not about blackhole it's just that his magic is stronger than other elements so what i'm trying to say if you want to defeat him you have to break his defence"

This kid is able to process that much information and was able to get a solution he sure is something but already knew that his spell was powerful but the way he explained it but how does he know that much and what is this blackhole thing and how he know about it my questions keep increasing

"How do you know about this blackhole thing you're just 4 years old but know about it but I don't know even though i'm more experienced and old"

"I want to keep this a secret for now but i can tell you this if i get to know a little more about them i may find a better way to deal with them so you should tell me what happened in yesterday's meeting "

"Okay I'll tell you"
" You probably know that there were 5 kingdoms but now there are only 3 kingdoms"

Aaron starts to sweat
"What do you mean, tell me everything NOW"

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