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Chapter 9

This world where everything is Magic
Have 5 Kingdoms
1st Spade
2nd Theola
3rd Platino
4th Xylem
5th hertz

But in past
There were total 20 kingdoms
But humans can't live a peaceful life.
So a big war took place and 15 kingdoms were erased from this world.

All humans were killed in those 15 kingdoms and because of that
Those kingdoms lost all the magical power and because magic is everything in this world
All 15 kingdoms were lost in the sea.

Currently King Arthur is the king of Platino Kingdom
And there are 2 kingdoms who are close to Platino Kingdom

Xylem kingdom and Theola Kingdom

:-At the border of Platino and Xylem Kingdom

A strange cart is going in a cave

There is a underground base in the Cave

There is a strange guy in the mask
That guy have a black cape with some white markings on it.
and someone with the same kind of clothes but he doesn't have cape
came close to him and says

"We've found someone who maybe useful to you"

Strange guy says
"Who is it?"

"It's a Boy from a noble family and he's 4 years old and he can already use 3-4 elements so maybe he can also use that...."

Strange guy looks happy and says

"Goodjob if he really is that strong than he can surely use that .. that special power"

:- At the office of King Arthur

It's been 2 weeks since the attack

King Arthur is sitting on his chair and he's thinking something and someone knocks the door.
"Come in"

Door opens and someone who's in mask comes in the room and after cheaking that no one is in the room except King
He removes his mask

King says
"Yes Altair did you find any clue related to that mysterious man?"

Altair replies
"Yes King I found out something even more important please take a look at this"

King reads the report and after reading this King starts to sweat and looks scared and stressed at the same time

"Altair thi..this.. is ...how..."

"We have to organise a Emergency meeting RIGHT NOW " King says in a panicked voice

:- At the training ground of Royal Mansion

"Come on Allie
It's been 2 weeks and you're still so weak"

Allie says
"Hey it's not my fault, your training is just so hard and you don't even let me rest, stupid Aaron meanie meanie meanie"

Yes I've been training her and i was not going easy on her
5 hours of sleep
Strict diet
And all the time training and meditation

But yes she can reach Rank A
If she'll train like this until the training camp starts.

:- meeting started

King started to tell everyone about the report of Altair and after hearing about report everyone starts sweating and some even started to tremble.

Meeting ended but everyone was scared.

Aaron saw all Nobles leaving so he thought he'll say hello to his father he runs towards them but he stopped and started to stare at him.
Aaron knew that something is wrong

Aaron never saw his father so scared and sweating from fear
He didn't knew what is going on but he can see that Baron is scared.

What actually happened in this meeting, why is everyone scared.
Getting scared is not a big thing
But the thing
All top fighters of this kingdom are scared and sweating
What is that
That can make them sweat from fear like this.

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