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Chapter 13

1 day before War :-

Everyone was preparing for war
And King Arthur and King Vincent
And all the SS+ rank Adventures. Were deciding a stretegy.

There are 3 ways to enter the hideout of the Dark Knights

And we decided that only
S+ Rank fighters will take part in this battle

And all the other fighters and soldiers will protect kingdom if someone attacked.

And fighters who are less than S rank
Will be dead weight.

There are one SSS+ Rank fighter in Platino kingdom

Cyno - SSS+ Rank - Sword

And 4 SSS Rank fighters
Arthur - Sword
Baron - Spear
Lucas - magic staff
Curtis - Bow

And 2 SSS Rank healers
Aloy - magic staff
Liam - Bow

Hertz Kingdom have total of 4 SSS Rank Adventures

3 SSS Rank fighters
Vincent - Spear
Aldric - Sword
Jean - Magic Staff

1 SSS Rank healer
Henry - Bow

So  in few hours
After alot of debate
Everyone agreed to one stretegy

There are 3 ways than
We will use all 3 ways to enter the hideout

Way 1 - Arthur,Curtis,Aldric,Liam
Way 2 - Baron,Lucas, Vincent,Aloy
Way 3 - Cyno, Jean,Henry,Aaron (yep Mc is with Cyno)

After the Stretegy Meeting
Everyone started to get best Armor and weapons

And i heard my father's voice
"Aaron follow me"

I turned around and saw my father
And as he said I started to follow him
"Yes Father"

He took me to a Room where every Noble (SSS Rank) were choosing their weapons and armors

Father said
"Choose a sword suitable for you and a good Armor and than come to my tent"
After saying this father left the room

"Yes Father"

I started to cheak all the swords

Every sword was a little too heavy for me.

But than a guy come towards me
"Hey kid you shouldn't be here go to your mama"
It's Cyno

"I am sorry but I'm taking part in this battle
I've already asked my father Baron and King Arthur for permission" I said

"Huh are they that stupid. Who wants a Dead weight in a battle"Cyno said

"I am SS Rank fighter with 5 elements" I said

"Hey hey hey it's not time to joke around like that"

"I'm serious"

"Ohh than show me your power, increase your mana level and show me your level"

I started to increase my mana level as much as I can, my body started to heat.

"That's all I can do" Sir

"Haha yea I can see you're not lying okay you can choose weapons" Cyno said while Sweating a little

This kid
This kid thinks he's on SS Rank??
This kid's Mana level have  already surpassed my mana level.
This kid's body is weak for his power but this kid is on a different level

Cyno was staring at me while I was looking for a weapon.

"Hey kid i think Double Small swords will be most suitable weapon for your body"
Cyno said

"Here cheak them out"
He throws 2 Swords towards me
I catch them but somehow those Swords were light
I guess it's because those Swords are small in size
Compared to my old sword but till now
I have never used double Swords in my life

"Um sir I've never used double Swords in my life"I said to Cyno

"Don't worry double sword is also a sword just you have to use it in both hands , come in training ground I'll teach you but get some armor before that" Cyno said

I got some good Armor thanks to Cyno and than he took me to training ground

"Now come and attack me with those Swords and don't think much use them like you use swords but you have 2 swords" Cyno said

I used my mana to increase my speed and strength than

"Flame Strike"

I instantly covered the distance between him and me and attacked him
He blocked my attack easily but
Using double swords is alot easier than I thought.
And I can use it more freely it's light so i can do close combat more easily.

I trained with Cyno and after that
I decided to go to my father's tent
As he ordered

In few minutes I was standing in front of the tent

"Father can i come in?"

I heard yes from inside so i went inside the tent.

Father asked me to sit and started to tell me

"Listen Aaron, now if you're participating in this battle i will not stop you but you will not die without killing enemies"

"You have to take down minimum one of those dark knight, if you can't do it than you're useless"

"I will try my best father"

"Try?? No you have to do it"
"Listen Aaron i know you know something about those dark knight that we don't and I don't know why but I think you can defeat them"

After this my father told me to go in my tent and rest because next day battle will start.

Next Day :-

Everyone started to move and before afternoon we almost reached the hideout

King Arthur's Team went in 1st Way
Father's Team went in 2nd way
And Cyno's team went in 3rd way
And I was in Cyno's team.

Next chapter on Sunday

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