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Chapter 11

Spade Kingdom
One of the strongest kingdom from the ancient times.

Spade kingdom have one of the strongest fighters in the world and is considered the strongest kingdom in the current time.

Spade Kingdom have Female rulers for generations and all Noble families are controlled by Female heads.

Females are superior than males in Spade Kingdom.

Spade Kingdom had 3 Noble families and 4 SSS+ Rank fighters (including the Queen Louis)

(SSS+ Rank means they're superior than SSS Rank in short strongest rank of Adventurers)

2 weeks ago
Spade Kingdom:-

Spade Kingdom was in bed terms with Xylem Kingdom.
So in the Royal Mansion a meeting related to the Xylem Kingdom was happening but suddenly emergency Bell started to ring.

And 2 soldiers came to Meeting Room running and wounded.

"Queen 2 random guys are attacking Royal Mansion and they're so strong"

Queen Louis and other Noble Family heads
Picked their weapons and got ready to fight.

"Everyone Let's go"

(Situation was serious because Guards at Royal Mansion are all SS+ Rank and they can't defeat the Invaders)

SSS+ Rank Charlotte weapon Bow
SSS+ Rank Mona Weapon Sword
SSS+ Rank Clorinde Weapon Duel Swords
SSS+ Rank Louis Weapon Spear

Charlotte is a assassin type fighter so she immediately took position on the mansion and started to aim at _Dark Knights_

"Cryo Blizzard"

This attack covered whole Royal Mansion in ice and the attack was directed towards Invaders so they got freezed and this Ice was not normal ice
This ice was created by a spell of a SSS+ Rank

(This is the only reason dark knights got frozen, you all know that they can just erase the element with their attacks)

"They're frozen it's your time to shine Clorinde" Charlotte said

"I know that you bitch"
"Louis I'm not holding back so forgive me if the mansion is destroyed" Clorinde said

She hold her duel blades in her hands and her blades were releasing lightning because the element was way too strong for her blades

"Light Cutter"

A attack that can even cut light itself
Clorinde's speed can't be compared to a normal human she's moves as fast as light

Her attack was so powerful that she cut down ice and both dark knights

"The End"

"Sorry mona and Louis but looks like you will not get a chance to fight hahaha...huh what is happening......."

Half body of the clorinde was gone in an instant she fell on the and saw her body her half of the body was gone and whome ground was red from her blood

"What is happening"

Suddenly one of the dark knight regenerated his body and stood up
He stepped on the head of clorinde and crushed it with his legs

"CLORINDE"everyone yelled
Everyone started to cry

Mona was too shocked that she wasn't even able to move

"Hahaha I admit that not all ladies are weak, you're all strong but you can't win against us" Dark Knights with Spear said

Dark knights were cut in half but their body is coming back together

"My name is Charles nice to meet you pretty ladies"
"What a waste we have to kill these womens, I wanted to taste them before killing though" Charles said with a evil smile on his face.

Other dark knight also stand up and his body is also back to normal
That dark knight hits Charles on his head

"You basterd stop talking and start killing them we have to clear this kingdom as fast as we can"

"Hey meluse don't hit me i got it" Charles said

Meluse Dark Knight weapon Bow
Charles Dark Knight weapon Spear

Charlotte attacks them again

"Cryo Incarnate"

This attack made them frozen and than destroyed their bodies totally

"Did I do it" Charlotte said

Suddenly Charles somehow was behind her and ready to attack

"No you don't bitch" Charles said

Charles put his spear in her throat and started to twist the spear slowly slowly

Charlotte started to struggle because it was so painful

"It's fun to see you struggle like that hahaha but I want to have more fun"

Charles take out his knife and started to cut her fingers one by one

Mona was too shocked to move but Louis started to prepare to attack

*At this rate they'll kill us* Louis thought

Charlotte was crying from pain and struggling from pain,
Charles cut down all the fingers of her left hand

"Ohh so how it feels to suffer it's painful right, tell me tell me it's painful right???" Charles said while laughing

"Lighting Rain"
Suddenly a thunderstorm started
It was defensive attack by Louis

But meluse was already attacking Mona

"Mona stand up and fight" Louis yelled and
Somehow mona stand up

And started to cry

"I will never forgive you,
clorinde I will avenge you" Mona said

*Flame Rage*

Mona's body started to burn and she was looking furious

The mana level was so high that the whole kingdom was starting to feel it

It was on a different level
This mana level was enough to make any Fighter surrender on the spot

Meluse got paralyzed on the spot because of this mana level

Charles throws charlotte and goes for mona because right now
She's the most dangerous person in this WORLD.

Next chapter on sunday

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