Training Camp

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Chapter - 8
Training Camp

Party ended everyone was safe but this was a scary party.
To think there is a Guy who can beat strongest fighters of the Kingdom alone.
We were lucky at that time but if he attacks again it's gonna be a trouble.

After few days of the party all the Noble Families of the king decided to organise a meeting with the king to find out who is that mysterious man.

But King needed a reason to organise a meeting because normal people will start to have doubts if they did a meeting without a reason.
So the whole incident of assassination were made public but King ordered to hide everything about Mysterious Man.

Normal people shouldn't know about him.

There are total of 10 Noble families in the kingdom and 3 Noble families in the Aspen Town.

(This kingdom have 4 Towns and Aspen is one of them )
(Name of the Kingdom is "PLATINA")

The confusing thing was that magic he used a black ball of magic that can pull other magic inside of it, is truly scary and if he had more powerful magic like this than its gonna be a big problem.

No one have ever seen a magic like this a dark magic just what kind of element was it because there is no element that can do this.

Everyone was confused
I mean they don't know anything about blackhole because science doesn't exist in this world but how does that mysterious guy know about it that the case.

(He called that magic a blackhole and the properties of that magic is same as blackhole but he shouldn't know anything about blackhole because science doesn't exist in this world)

So the final decision that they made was to become even more stronger so that if he attacks again they will not lose.

The decision of this meeting was to organise a training camp for all the adventures who are Rank A or above.

And other decision was to put all the high level detectives on the case of Mysterious Man.

The camp was going to be organised in 4 week and King personally said to my father that he want me to take part in the camp too but Alicia will not take part because she's Rank B.

Alicia will also be trained but by a private tutor, king also said that i can also train with Alicia but it'll slow down my training.

So now i have to choose training in camp or training with Alicia.

Training camp is organised for 1 year for the Top Fighters including my father but for other adventurers like me this training camp will go on until my mana reach my limit it means that until i reach my limit sake goes for other adventurers"

And on the other hand if i train with Alicia
i can spend more time with the girl i love
But the training will be slow because she's princess so training will not be hard and i'll not become stronger.

i had to give my dad answer.

"Father i have one question what if Alicia become rank A  before  training camp?"  I asked to father

"She can join training camp but she's mid B Rank so it's hard for her to become A Rank"
Father said

"Maybe if i train her please i want to try atleast please father" i requested to father

"You sure are unpredictable well I'll try to talk to the king and hopefully he'll accept your condition" father said while smiling

In evening my father took me to Royal Mansion and said
"Try your best to train her"

"Thank You So Much father" I said

(Alicia said to her father that she's interested in Aaron so King will not decline any request related to Aaron and the reason King offered Aaron to train with Alicia with a tutor was because of the same reason)

I entered Royal mansion and Alicia was waiting for me at the gate

"My tutor sure is cute this time"
She grabbed my cheeks and said it

"Hehe if the student is cutest so i suppose teacher should also be cute" i said

"So when are you gonna start my training" she asked

"Right now" I replied

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