The Autumn Court

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How long had it been since she was last at the Autumn Court, fifty years? No, maybe it was closer to one hundred. No matter, Vel was excited to properly visit the court. When times were uneventful and days blended together it was too easy to lose track of the years. It would be nice to break the monotony - enjoy the fine foods, see new faces, and observe how things have changed over the years. Being inside the court was also likely to trigger visions, which would be helpful considering she had nothing of substance to tell Beron, the High Lord of Autumn.

Beron had summoned her. It was not unusual for a High Lord to invite her to court. She was a Seer and one of the oldest beings to walk Prythian. Her political advice was highly valued. But Beron had never called for her. The few times she'd been to Autumn since his coronation were shrouded in secrecy. He had sent his sons away to the borders on various missions and dismissed all his servants and advisors. They'd only met furtively to discuss her visions in his private study and the moment that was done she was ushered away like a thief in the night.

She could barely remember Beron from before he was High Lord. That must have been some five hundred years ago. Or was it six hundred? Maybe her old age was finally catching up to her. She did remember him as a quiet and calculated youth, the exact opposite of his sly and vicious older brother or the rowdy and arrogant younger one. Beron had been shrewd. He let his brothers underestimate him. He gathered allies secretly, making promises to other heirs who were looking for support in their own claims to their courts. All while his brothers fought over their father's favor. The same favor which earned them the honor of being at the head of Autumn's army during the War, the left and right hand of the High Lord of Autumn. And when that army was caught between Spring and Hybern, Beron and his allies were just a few hours too late to save them — a tragic turn of events that led to the coronation of a new High Lord of Autumn.

Yet, that same scheming that had won him the throne had turned Beron paranoid and unpleasant over the years. It was to be expected considering he had sired seven sons who had all allegedly inherited his aptitude for politics and subterfuge.

Vel would be prepared for anything. But for now, she could just spread her wings, and enjoy the breeze ruffling her feathers, the clear skies all around, the endless forests, the crisp air. She could have winnowed there, but there was nothing like flying in her animal form, letting her senses roam free.

Slowly, the Forest House came into view - a sprawling complex of buildings constructed in and around trees, rocks, and streams. The gray stone of the buildings blended into the mountain below, the different wings separated by rapidly flowing waters, which gave way to steep waterfalls. Only the uppermost levels were visible above the ground, while most of the complex remained hidden under the stone.

The northern side of the house was protected by two layers of stone walls. The outer one marked the end of the wards protecting the Forest House. She was supposed to meet her escort there, but first, she would make sure no traps were waiting for her. She circled a few times and took inventory - a carriage, six guards and their horses grazing nearby. She landed on the top of the carriage, the five guards bearing Beron's sigil paid her no mind as they chatted by the horses. The fifth High Fae, leaning against the side of the carriage, was undoubtedly one of Beron's sons. His red hair was slicked back away from his face, making his sharp cheekbones stand out. He wore a neutral expression on his face, though the curve of his mouth betrayed that he was more prone to scowling rather than smiling. He seemed lost in thought, polishing a fancy jeweled dagger with a small whetstone.

As Vel watched, she gently pushed into his mind. This was Eris, the eldest of the High Lord's sons. She wandered the hallways of his mind. He'd had some training against Daemati, she noted, his mind palace was a maze. Though lavishly decorated, with large braziers burning on each side, the space felt cold and unwelcoming. She watched his thoughts flit by. He was calculating, considering what a Seer could do for his cause, if she could be swayed from Beron's side. She spied a heavy mahogany door to the side, an invitation to pry further that she couldn't resist. But as she approached she felt something shift, the braziers flickered almost imperceptibly. Vel flinched and pulled back, just as the fire swallowed everything and the walls of Eris's mind came up.

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