Chapter 14- Big me! (Adult Paperjam Multiverse)

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Paperjam meets another version of himself and absolutely loves it!


Adult Paperjam Multiverse

Origin was very pleased yet also felt like a bit of an idiot, when it took him so long to notice the bracelet that Paperjam was wearing. To be fair, he had been far more occupied with other things, still annoyed with the last multiverse they had gone to, glad End had dealt with it.

Looking back at the bracelet on the babybones wrist, he could sense the strong magic radiating off it, reluctantly admitting that SwapDream had done a somewhat decent job in creating it.

End had already blocked the SwapDream from using it to find their kid and they had also created their own charms to add to it instead.

It had been surprisingly easy to get Paperjam to agree to this trade, especially when they saw the colourful charms he had offered in return. That they had near instantly demanded for the charms to be put on their bracelet, filled him with a great sense of glee and smugness.

He didn't even have time to explain why he wanted them to put it on but was so relieved they accepted the new trackers with no issue.

"We should have done this ages ago...."

Origin silently agreed with his mate, as this would have made finding them so much easier in the past.

He gently tugged the edge of Paperjams sleeve to grab their attention, honestly impressed they hadn't run off yet.

"Paperjam. Do you want to see something new? If you stay with us, we can lead you there."

He gently asked, having learned early on what sort of things would catch their attention. He slowly explained what the plan was, End quietly reminding him they should probably think of a new name for Paperjam at some point, if they were going to travel so often.

Origin felt a headache build in trying to convince Paperjam to accept his plan but he was hopeful they would succeed.


" This is kind of hilarious. "

End said, not bothering to hide his laughter despite the dirty looks he was garnering.

He only had to flex his hands and widen his smile, and magically the surrounding monsters began looking away. Being a Destroyer had so many benefits, snorting when he saw the babybones bombarding questions, on the monster they came here for in the first place.

"It's rather cute! I wonder if they will react the same with others of their type..."

Origin said brightly, taking plenty of pictures. He blatantly ignored the Dream of this multiverse who had been trying to get his attention for the past hour, sighing when still they didn't get the hint to leave him alone.

He blandly looked at them, his eyeshapes flickering to bullseyes in a demand for them to speak up.

"I-Is that your kid?"

"They are. Aren't they just adorable!" Origin said, his look suggesting any other answer would not be acceptable.

Dream shivered at the two odd travellers, their looks being the least concerning thing about them, despite a part of his mind screaming in shock at the two 'natural enemies' standing peacefully together.

His Ink was bad enough, with their memory issues and terrible self control but he now saw how it could be so much worse. This odd Creator might hide it well with their bright smiles and soft words, everyone else having long lowered their guards but he could spot the deep calculation in their eyes.

The smug emotions coming off the travellers just proved it, neither hiding how little they cared for his opinion or what was happening.

"I don't think you should let your kid play with them ."

He felt a bit bad for saying that but he felt he was right to be wary, rather worried for the tiny babybones. He was still horrified that Ink and Error somehow had a kid with powers from both sides of a very dangerous Balance. He truly believed It wasn't safe to be near them for too long, especially considering their parentage, no matter what his Ink said to the contrary.

He wasn't going to believe their word, considering he had to remind them to eat some days! He felt a wave of relief when both parents? of the kid looked thoughtful but that soon vanished when the monster named End spoke up.

" Paperjam! Don't take them into any portals or use your magic near them. They might look like you but they are much more delicate ."

"Ok Destroyer! I won't."

That is not what Dream meant at all! And what did that even mean?! The kid was tiny and he thought that a small breeze might accidently dust them. He doubted they could be a danger to anyone.

" I mean it. Not even the AntiVoid which I know you found out how to get to . Remember what happened to Edge ."

"Spikey abomination was so much better after that, though!"

"That's called 'insanity', little one. Try not to induce it in others. I might not always be able to fix it."

Dream paled as he listened to the back and forth, wondering what exactly Ink had invited into their multiverse.

He knew he should have questioned them more than merely accept their words of: 'they are cool' and 'it's exciting and new, Dream!'.

Paperjam was having a blast with big him!

They were so tall and they felt just like him, apart from a few minor things but that just made it even better! A copy would be boring but this was amazing!


The babybones enjoyed spending time with his variant, the resonance between their magic and the similar substance they were created from, meant the babybones had zero issue with touching them.

The parents were thrilled their idea had worked so well, now hoping they could teach some basic life lessons to the babaybones with them now having an example they could follow.

Origin had high hopes their plan would work but End would be happy if they managed to get the babybones to sleep at some point, their strange Code starting to deeply worry him.


Origin: *Ready to try and convince to accept some trackers* Now Paperjam, this will be for-

Paperjam: *Sees its colourful and sparkly* I accept!
Dream: *Worried for the 'weak' babybones' You should keep your child away. It's not safe!

Origin: *Nodding along for an entirely different reason* You are totally right. Origin? Would you mind..?

End: *Going over and making sure Paperjam doesn't throw more monsters in the AntiVoid for 'fun'*

Dream: Who are these monsters?! 😨

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