Chapter 1- Well..this is different (Birth Multiverse)

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Life works in mysterious ways.

You often hear the way some people say 'everything happens for a reason' to explain bad fortune in their life. No one truly knows what happens when you die but there are a vast amount of speculation on the subject. Some believe in heaven and hell, others in eternal darkness, where you can finally rest or maybe you become a star in the sky to forever watch over your loved ones.

They sadly became one of the few who got to experience another way.


They knew most would be thrilled at a chance to live again but not them. Their memories were not as clear as they should be and they still had no idea how they had died, but from the few memories that popped up it was clear they were not happy before.

While the faces of their.. friends? Family? were not clear it seemed they were in a dark place, feeling so very alone....

They thought there were others that tried to help as well but the memories grew fuzzy, slipping away from their mind like the wind. The longer they stayed in the dark the more they lost but they weren't scared, it felt natural; like this was supposed to happen.

..Maybe their new life would be different, maybe they would find true happiness this time.

They suddenly felt the last of their memories slipping away, while physical sensation slowly trickled in, never having realised they had been missing it in the first place.

They hoped someone would care for me when they woke up. They were tired of being alone......


Birth Multiverse

He didn't really know what was going on when he first awoke. He was very confused about where he was, his fingers digging into the soil as he tried to catalogue everything.

Looking around he saw that he was in a rather desolate forest, with dirt strewn around at random, almost as if a battle had taken place how did he know that? but he could swear he was somewhere else before....

He had brief memories of disapproving words and pain but that was about it, which he thought was rather useless. He wasn't even sure what he looked like anymore, which was slightly alarming.

Looking down at the ground he was confused at seeing black bones, staring at his body in bafflement. It was strange how conflicted he was about this, as it felt wrong but also incredibly right. He studied his body in interest, admiring the different coloured fingers, holding them up to the sky in fascination.

Once he was done he looked back at his surroundings once again, curious what else he would find. He already figured out he was alone and suddenly realised he was sitting in a puddle of black ink and blue threads, which was rather odd. Touching both made him feel safe, a tingly feeling travelling through him...

He abruptly dropped the strings and frowned at the puddle, rather wary of what they actually were.

Pulling his hand away from the suspicious black substance he instead decided to learn what the rest of his body looked like....but there was only so much he could see without a reflection.

Trying to stand up was a failure, so he decided to crawl instead. It was much more natural to his instincts and filled him with an unusual sense of glee. It was a nice feeling....Almost as if he was no longer used to this feeling. Ignoring that odd thought, he continued to crawl and soon reached a very large lake, which was perfect for his needs!

...Well, 'lake' might have been a generous description for a crator, that was somehow filled with clean water but it still worked for what he needed. Sitting down at the edge he leaned towards the water, being careful to not fall in. He struggled to walk, he did not want to test his swimming abilities as well.

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