Chapter 57- A true food connoisseur..?❤️(UnderVerse? Multiverse)

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Star is educated on his food choices and Blue is finally free but in a far off multiverse an Ink feels a shiver run down their spine. The crazy family never rests~


UnderVerse? Multiverse

Swap AU

"It's so nice to see them all getting along"

Origin said happily to his mate, watching his children play happily together with even Jammy growing more confident lately and now had quite a good control of their destructive magic. He was so very proud, watching Sirius and thinking he could give them a few lessons on Creation magic soon, so thrilled he could share that with another one of his children.

It was still a surprise to see what powers Vega would develop, End pretty sure Code editing would be one of them and so happy that none of his children would ever be defenceless if he wasn't there to help.

This holiday was a good idea, letting all their children explore their power somewhere where it was safe, nothing truly a threat here as even the Balancers were a much lower level then most places. It was a nice training ground and thought they would be coming here again, sipping his yellow vial as a wash of warmth came over him.


He looked over at the noise and sighed when he saw Star having taken a bite out of a SOUL, looking at his mate and playing rock paper scissors, smug he won and letting End go deal with that. He had no issue with Stars's odd diet but his child did have to be careful they didn't eat anything too dangerous or feed it to anyone they liked and at least knew the consequences of doing so.

He was sure the lesson would have to be repeated a few times but he was sure they would pay attention to at least 50% of what was said...probably less realistically but he liked to be positive!

He preferred it when End dealt with things pertaining to SOULS as while he had a general idea on the subject having a SOUL seemed to intrinsically help in understanding it better, pleased when it seemed End was getting through to Star who was now staring at the apple SOUL with a small bite in it contemplatively.

"Now now, you should spit that out. Its not even a good SOUL. Look at how dull the colour is, not to mention the magic content is rather pitiful. I'll show you how other colours differ in taste but if you are ever low on magic pick a red one but don't feed it to your siblings. That will likely hurt them as their magic won't be able to deal with it like yours can"

"Ok, Destroyer. I'll remember"

"Good boy. Now let me show you how you can fix any SOULS if you have a slight accident"

...he was so proud that the talk was going well, knowing End had been perfect to explain things! They were such a good parent.

Blue watched this all with a broken expression, unsure about anything anymore with the more he heard the less he seemed to understand, so very grateful when he overheard the odd group would leave and thinking he might take his own vacation after this. He did not want to deal with the clean up, his mind going over all the destroyed AU's and glitching ones, the amount of paperwork that would entail and many meetings to sort it all out in an orderly fashion.

He briefly glanced at Ink and Dream who were still bound beside him and immediately knew it would once again be put on his shoulders, this time refusing to do that again and planning to become a hermit far away from all of these idiots.

He didn't want to be the only brain cell in the group anymore, mentally wishing everyone luck but he was checking out, unsure he even cared if the whole multiverse collapsed. He had seen far more than a mortal was ever supposed to, watching numbly when the babybones named Star casually spat out a part of a SOUL and stuck it back like it was a puzzle piece, his own SOUL cringing in sympathy for what he imagined Nightmare was feeling right now.

Considering the face's Nightmare was making he would say it wasn't great, startled when the binds around his suddenly vanished and falling face first into the ground, trying to make his mind compute what just happened. He looked up and couldn't see any sign of those weird monsters, going back to laying on the grass and sighing deeply.

He needed a very long break...



" interesting"

Origin said as he watched Star stare at their hand which turned briefly into claws before it went back to normal, unsure what type of magic that was as it didn't look like pure ink manipulation..unless it was a form only available to ones with SOULS?

He truly had been forced to look at magic in a new way after adopting children, looking over at Jammy who also looked curious not to mention Vega who was trying to shift their corruption to copy Star.

"Don't we have that favour from that bird like monster we could cash in on? The children could learn from observing and they have plenty of people to help keep track of the kids. Might be a great babysitter as I've heard they are now higher up on the food chain"

End said slowly, remembering that multiverse where they had accidently saved a monster who swore a favour no matter what it was. It would also be nice to go out on a date night soon, having tracked a FATE he knew his mate would love to play with and had a few places he wanted to visit to stretch his destruction powers.

It was a shame Hearth wouldn't return their calls for babysitting but perhaps this babysitter would work out, grabbing his phone and dialling a number he never thought he would have to use. It seems things were working out great for them, sure his kids would love the new place.



"...what is this, my lord?"

Ink said carefully, feeling an odd mix of emotions when he saw his new assignment, looking at Dream to see if they were joking but already knew that they wouldn't do it over something like this.

"Your new assignment. You have all the resources you need to make this happen. Do not disappoint me."

Ink looked back at the assignment 'BodyGuard Duty' almost taunting him and unsure why he felt so uneasy about this considering he had done this sort of thing many times in the past.

"Your charges will be here in an hour. I expect zero issues. You are dismissed"

....why did that sound more like a warning than a statement?


*Destruction, chaos and widespread fear*

End and Origin: *Cooing over their children* This was an excellent holiday! Maybe we should come here again in the future

Error: *Twitching on the ground and playing dead, praying they will just leave*

Blue: *His mind broken from yet another weird revelation* ...THIS WAS A HOLIDAY?!


Origin: *Letting his mate deal with telling Star about eating SOULS*

End: *Acting like a food connoisseur and listing reasons why Nightmares SOUL is terrible*

Nightmare: *Watching this all with horror* Im unsure whether to be insulted or happy im not good enough to eat


DreamSwap: *Receiving message from End and immediately accepting the request* You have a new task, Ink

Ink: *Feeling a shiver of dread at seeing he has bodyguard duty*..why does this feel like a death sentence?

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